Very nice!!! Maybe you can play a bit with the animals and bring in some variations. Especially the cat is difficult to recognize. Please show me some different red-colors for the "Österreich", heart and collar an revise the ears of the dog (hanging, standing,.....). Thanks! Great Logo!
Great work! Lets work on #113. Please leave everything as it is, exept: (1) Take the ears and smile from the dog in #141 (Not the nose!It seems like the nose is a bit sharper than in #113?) Then make two versions please: A: With the cat from #141: Please work on the eyes (add a second eye) and try to make the cat look happy. B. With the cat from #142: Same for the face. Maybe try not to cover the "f" from "freunde". Thanks! Great Logos!
Great work, thanks! Some comments: #162: Take the ears from the dog in #141; make the nose and mouth of the cat in black color. Maybe can also make one version, where the dog has hanging ears like a labrador. #161: Same for the dog´s ears; same for cats nose and mouth color, i am not really happy with the cat, looks like she is leaning on the "f". Please make one version with the cat like in #142 (take car of mouth and nose + colors), maybe you find some other ideas for the cat.... Thanks!
Really nice! The only thing i am still not really happy with are the dogs ears. Please take the ears from #141 for the new logos. If you like you could google different dogs and take a look at their ears for other versions. #168 Can you make the dog a tiny bit bigger than the cat. Thanks!
Thats it! They are both perfect!!! #171 please make two versions with the two new dogs of this logo, where the cat is lying. Thank you for your great work!
Dear SNGraphics! I am trying to contact you, because i would like to so some further work with the characters from your logo, you designed for me. 3 or 4 easy little stories (e.g. dog eats shoe, cat scratches on couch) with the two. Would you be interested in painting those stories for me and what would be the price? Cheers P.S. You can email me to