thanks for all your efforts. i am very interested in your designs. we have noticed with the name that when we separate the 3 with a different color or shape we are left with the word CON and that can have a negative connotation. therefore we are trying to either change the "O" if we want to mix the colors or really create the 3CON as one word like you have done in #270. keeping that in mind, can you mess with 420/421 with the one block being a different color and the name gradient but all the same. gradient can be top to bottom or side to side - your the expert. one of things we want to see is how the logo looks in a solid color. for example if we had it embroidered on a shirt where it may need to be plain white, black or red. would you mind trying that for us? also if it is one solid color, we do not want to lose the block look so can we make those lines slightly bigger. again i am an engineer not a designer so any other thoughts you have are greatly appreciated.
Hi there, thanks for great feedback :) I never picked up on the con part (duh!) but i can totally understand what you mean. I'll make some more revisions to #420 & #421 and will uploads again soon for you. I will also show with solid colours too. Thanks again :)
we are trying to decide on our final logo in the nect 24 hours. my partner is undecided based on wanting to see the solid logos. he was also thinking about a horizontal look so letterhead does not take up to much room.
great and thanks! one more - can you give me a sample of all black and all white. (ie an embroidered model) we will be deciding this eve or in the morn