Stacy Goldberg's What's In Your Cart? TMLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Stacy Goldberg's What's In Your Cart? TM

Stacy Goldberg's What's In Your Cart? TM has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 174 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
Hi Stacy,

Here is my initial design concept for your review. I decided to initially go with the blue only, as it will look great with your current site layout and colors. I am still exploring the idea of adding certain foods to the cart, so if you have any specific ones in mind let me know. Also, this would mean I would either have to remove your name or move it to the side. I notice your name is not in your current logo, so maybe that would be ok?

While it is nice to have a clean one-color logo like this, a second one might really make it pop. So I will see if I can do that as well. But again, this current layout would translate very well to anything you might want to do in the future without needing to modify it—embroidery, print, engraving, embossing, etc.

(This comment references Entry #1)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
The other neat thing about this logo is that it gives you the option of having the cart portion be its own separate icon outside of the main logo. The cart with a question mark inside it could be used as a bullet, icon, button, etc. when the full logo wouldn't be as applicable. (Here I have it to the side of the words, which would look great at the top of the website or as a letterhead perhaps.)

(This comment references Entry #2)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
And here is how it would look reversed out onto a dark background. The logo looks pretty neat when it's all a clean white!...

(This comment references Entry #3)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is an additional option, which includes a blueberry like your old logo—this will be nice to include, as it will tie people back to you still when they see it. I also added green as a nice highlight and compliment to the blues.

(This comment references Entry #5)
12 years ago
Lots of info and great ideas on all of them..
i really like #5! afew things
1. i do want to include my name in this logo as i did not before
2. i really like the 2 colors makes it pop and think will stand out on white also
3. i like the idea of incorporating another food but not sure it will look too busy? maybe some veggies? nuts/seeds?
4. i totally see what you are saying about the length of logo number 2..i would like to see that with the green maybe and the blueberries
5. i dont care for the ? in the middle of the cart
6. i like the block style but would that not look good on my website and as a header?
7. we are redoing our website so its not going to be exactly the same as it is now.

great work..looking forward to seeing revisions
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I love hearing the thought process from the client as we go, so thank you for being so detailed in your comments and feedback. I will get some revisions finalized and posted for your review soon!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Stacy,

See what you think of this one. It combines the two versions, as well as some new ideas that we discussed. I will see what other layouts I can come up with using these new elements and post more ideas as I finalize them.

(This comment references Entry #6)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is an alternate version, where it is all stacked and contained within more a square shape... Both layouts have their uses, so it's all about preference and need.

(This comment references Entry #7)
12 years ago
I like the font on entry 7, giving it a bit of a softer felt. Also like how entry 6 & 7 play off each other based on where we need to use the logo. Could you perhaps try in some more muted colors rather than the bold primary just to see how that might look? Can we see a black and white option as well as not all our printed materials will be in color. Thanks.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing, Stacy. I will get some new revisions posted asap!
12 years ago
looking great..i think the lines on the cart make it look a bit busy..also i like the feminine feel of my name in cursive but think i would like to see WIYC in block type font. can i see an option with some other food items as well just for contrast?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Stacy, here is a new design for your review. I muted down the color of the greens a bit, and I also added some bananas for a nice touch of bright without over-powering the green/blue combo we have going. I then brought back the script font for your name, but I placed in a better spot so that it reads well. I will post this version in black/white next as well, so you can see how that will look!

(This comment references Entry #8)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is another idea, which you kind of made me realize would be cool and effective with your last comments. Everyone is all about shorter, catchier names nowadays so perhaps a logo with "WIYC?" would be a nice alternative option.

(This comment references Entry #9)
12 years ago
hi..on entry 5 i would like to see my name going down the side of the cart in cursive, like 7, and a different font for WIYC seems quite heavy

also i dont care for the alternating colors in white and green..most likely would be printed on white paper so need to see alternatives.

i would also love to see a totally different color scheme if possible..what about the colors orange and olive green???

12 years ago
i think more lime green is what i am looking for after reviewing other logos...but also like the orange and turq combo too could we try that and use an orange rather than a blueberry...or a carrot?

if we made my wiyc smaller could we run the name in the handle of the cart going from top of handle to bottom, and maybe define like you did with the lines on the other carts to show detail..
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing! I will get revisions posted asap! :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a new color-scheme for your review, Stacy. I replaced the blueberry with an orange, and I think the orange/turquoise combo would look great—so that is what I went with.

(This comment references Entry #21)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
And here it is with the words included inside of the cart, as requested. I will mock-up a version with cart lines included next!...

(This comment references Entry #22)
12 years ago
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