I like this alot...a couple of changes i would like to see.. 1. needs the TM symbol after the ? 2. Would like to see it not in all capitals with upper and lower case 3. not loving the two tone colors in the cart..maybe just other colors as an option and maybe just one i like the entry 12 better than 13
also...maybe a different font, feels heavy and quite masculine to me..i like the leaf on the blueberry better in 13 but like it in the question mark... also could we try the name in cursive.
also would like to see a totally different color combo for contrast what about orange and olive green and use an orange rather than a blueberry?
just seeing my options but really like your work thus far
after reviewing other logos i think lime green and orange would be better than olive and also like the color combo of turqoiuse and orange too maybe we use and orange or carrot? lettuce? i am open to new ideas at this point