the IAI Letterform Mark is good. I find the fonts in the Abbriviation and these in the text very different. We shoúld find the right consistent typography for both.
#6 and #7 are much better. Just as an information for you: "für" means "for" . In other words it does not provide any information. It probably should not be highlighted
Well - I just came back from Kreta... It was very nice there.
As an Information for you: I liked your design for Cooper & Associates. I find it very stylish. Of cource such dark colours will probably not be quite suitable for us - we shold represent transparency. We are open for all your suggestions.
#18 und #19 It's good. I need to take a second opinion. It reminds me of AXA Insuarance and Deutsche Bank. Hint: I think the mirror effect on the bottom is nor suitable.
Hello again... using my initial concept of two lowercase i's forming a capital A... in a much more modern way. I personally like this one the best... it's bold crisp and .... i will shut up now :)