Hello there Mr_Do! I like the simplicity of the symbol, the color is nice and trendy, and in sync with the company's philosophy, good job! Since you captured pretty well in one shot the direction I want, I would love to see some more options: - a softer font, something that doesn't scream technological, although still modern; - another color - this is exactly the color I was thinking, but I wonder if it's too obvious - another option for the symbol, this was great, but give me more! Maybe with an even softer line, or more lines (as long as it wouldn't be a problem to print), maybe something a bit more irregular? Surprise me.. Thanks a bunch! Cheers Renata
#9 is prettier and more feminine than #6, very interesting, although #6 is still a stronger concept. I also like the background color on #10. But the font I don't like so much, the original one on #6 is still better, although I thought it was a bit tech, wanted something softer. About #7, my concern is that it won't print well, and it's too artisanal, I want something more chic. Thanks a lot for the effort Gary! Keep sending :)
Hi Gary, hope you still submit some more designs, was really liking what I saw... #6 is the best you made I think because it's very simple, and I want few lines as possible, less is more in my opinion. I want something very elegant and chic, and the more I think the more I like the idea of a mandala because is a shape that is not only in sync with my philosophy but also morphs into different shapes that could give an idea of containing a flower and or fruit in an non-obvious way. Entry #10 is a beautiful image and I love the concept of the background, however i have a feeling that similar things have been done and my brand wouldn't stand out as much as I would like... (i.e. Piperlime.com). Please give me some more fonts too, all in lower case, and as simple and unique as possible in the lines of #6. Hope I am making myself clear, if not please feel free to ask questions. Don't give up please! Thanks a lot! Renata
Hi Gary, #59 and #60 were totally off. I appreciate you trying a new path though. Your strongest concept was #57, simple lines, looks like a mandala which is what I want....My only concern is to have an unique image created, so I don't have the feeling that I had seen it before. Looking fwd to the new designs, thank you!
Hi Gary, you still didn't beat #57 sorry...and to be honest it's growing on me more and more. It is still my favorite, i just have this feeling that a little twist will do the trick and make it perfect. I have the feeling that you are the best designer in the contest, and the right sensibility. I am praying for you to get the right inspiration :) Please don't give up!
And you know what, I took a closer look and I am loving #169 too. It's gorgeous but i still wish it had fewer lines... can you do an option with that too please?
Hey Gary, not sure if #211 is the way to go...It looks great, but it looks too much like a flower like that, and not sure it´s what i want. Can you try our favorite #57 in color, maybe orange? It´s crazy that it was your first one and still the best so far :) I am praying for inspiration for myself too, to make the right decision with some many talented people working on my contest!
Just uploading this as it one constant line (very few lines) and I feel ties in well with your comments on the contest page; "Something totally simple and gorgeous, with very few lines, strokes, an abstract image that could represent a mandala, but also resembles a flower or fruit, or some natural element would be what i imagine"