@ #2 and #3 Interesting image, I like that it does look like a mandalah and a flower, but it's too bold and heavy, would much rather see fine and subtle lines. Also the Font is not interesting, would like to see something more modern. Thanks!
Sorry I mean #3 and # 5 on the comment above! Regarding entry #1 and #2, I don't like the hearts at all, but I like the movement and fine lines of entry #1. It would be interesting to see the development of this idea too. thanks
Hello there, thanks for trying again a different path. About entry #11, it is interesting, nicer font than the other options you previously sent, and much softer look on the symbol. I would love to see something a bit more irregular though, not so symetric for a change. I am afraid that a perfect flower or mandala has been done already, and it wouldn't be so unique. Regarding entry #3 I love the fact that is has a texture and depth, 2.0-like, very modern. If you could show me something in that direction, with a softer look would be awesome too! Please don't give up! cheers.
Hello, thank you for trying again! I am pleased with the fine lines and movement on #23. It is a very pretty image. However it looks too much like a flower, I would still prefer something that looks like a mandala, a bit more abstract. I think it is a nice concept that can be developed further. And would also love to see a new font as an option. Thanks a lot!
Hey, thanks for the new designs, a few comments: - Image #30 is very nice and looks less like a flower, which is good, but the white space in the middle is catching too much attention. And it is just not specifically sending any message in my opinion, sorry! - I guess in general I prefer less lines like image #23, but don't want it to look like a flower, more like a mandala - About image #31, I still like the concept, the shading and volume, but again don't want it to look specifically like a flower.
In summary, I want less and thin lines, less is more...and Ithe more I think the more I am coming to the conclusion that I want some sort of mandala - which is a shape that usually morphs and conveys different images within it, and could contain a flower and a fruit, without picturing it in an obvious way. I hope I am making myself clear, if not please feel free to ask questions!
Thank you so much and please keep trying. The best image I think you made so far, more in sync with my concept was #23
Oh, about the font I also prefer the one on entry #11 and #23, althought would still like to see more fonts. And forgot to say before that I want all text in lower case. thanks!
Hey I really liked what you did at #32, same lines as #23 but justaposing themselves. Looks really nice! I think you got something there, looks more like a mandala now, but still looks like a flower :( Nice font, can you do it all in lower case so I see it too please? Thanks a bunch!
#42 looks more like a mandala and it contains a flower...interesting new concept, it is more in sync with my company´s philosophy, I like it. You got something there. Please develop a bit if you can. Ok we can focus on the font later no problem. I would love to see an option with a background color too, either a round color block, or maybe something diffuse, with color gradations... I still appreciate the fact that #23 has fewer lines though, it looks cleaner. If you find a way to fuse both concepts I think it would be it! Look fwd to new options. Thanks.
#91 is very nice, and the best of series (#92, #93, #94). I still miss the movement and simplicity of #23 on it though. And would love to see more developments with fewer lines on the line of #42. #96 is a beautiful image, but I am not sure this is what i want. You are great, please keep trying! Thanks a million.
Puedes hablar espanol comigo, yo hablo portugues e un poco de portuñol... :) Gracias que le gusta trabajar juntos! También me gusta trabajar contigo. Compreende si escribo en portugues? Voy intentar en español, perdón pelos errores. #42 es lo mejor hasta ahora, pero yo queria lineas mas finas e talvez um poco menos de lineas, tambiém me gustaria una otra opcion para #23 porque es tan linda! Concentrate en esos dos por favor. #112, #113, #114 e #115 parece que falta algo. Muchas gracias!
creo que entiendo muchas mas el portugues que el ingles se me hace un poco mas fácil, con respecto a la entrada #23 que tipo de cambios me quiero sugerir, tal vez hacer que parezca menos una hoja cambiando esa parte por un circulo o algo parecido
Me gustaría que me dieras tu opinión sobre las ultimas propuestas, son caminos completamente diferentes a l que presente anteriormente, ademas como dije anteriormente me agrada trabajar con usted y en realidad necesito ganar este concurso, gracias de antemano
Queria que intentasse jugar un poco con las lineas en el #23, talvez cambiar la forma por lineas mas simples, pero curvas, e que non parezca demasiado una flor, de forma obvia. #132 me gusta las lineas, pero la imagen final no es mui linda. por favor mandeme una opcion parecida con esa tambien. Las otras son mui diferentes do que imagino, e no me gustaria una flor somente, busco una imagem unica. Gracias