Hello, welcome to my contest! I appreciate your design, however I don't want to explore the initials of the business, since bo is short for something else (body odor) lol Anyway, I like the idea of a simple line, that's the right thinking, for me less is more. I have some nice designs on the contest already, but they are failing a bit on simplicity... Please try again, looking forward to receiving your new designs, Thank you!
Hello ! I am sorry, I thought that you already have your favourites :) So I tried something more like the other stuff, I hope it is more what you are looking for. Thank you for the review
Hello! I don't have my heart set yet, so still open for suggestions. #122 is the closest to what I am looking for, interesting. #121 is too heavy looking, maybe finer lines? #123 is light however the outcome does not capture me, sorry. When I saw you propose #39, I thought you your come up with something very simple and minimal, which is what am i looking for. Please don't pay so much attention on what the others have done. So far I have some very nice ones, but I still don't feel I have a totally unique concept, which is what I was looking for. Send me more if you want, I didn't decide yet! Thank you
Hello Thanks again for the great review. That helps me a lot. What do you mean by minimal? Every design you ranked high is a circle kind of thing and you said that you didnt like #39 so I tried to make it a circle like the others. What can i do with #39 to please you?