WOW I really like the two designs with the bike logo # 25 & 26!!! The one with the sprocket # 24 reminds me more of a motercycle shop than a bicycle shop, with that one can you remove the sprocket & somehow incorporate a crank set with peddals? Maybe a chain link? You can go to to see what crank sets look like for a refference, just add the peddals on to them. With # 26 & #27 Any more ideas incorporating the same or similar bike logo??? Different font maybe? Thanks!!!! These are awsome!!!!
Hi sorry for the delayed, heres new font choices & color variations. Every elements & combination can be interchange with you desire selection I can to that with your choice with the logo. Thanks I'll be submitting crank options for different concept.
Thanks for all your submissions!! They are all great, you are still number 1 so far! I totaly dig the logo! As far as the font im just not sure about it ?
Ok number 98! Looks like youve got it!!! One quick request. I like how the logo looks angled. Can you also angle the Cyclegasm letters to look like the letters are also angled. The begining part of the name farther back than the end of the name. Same degree that the logo is but opposit side. Does that make scence???
Sir with respect to the 1st rank, I think his ripping off my typeface, the arrangement of tag-line & even the colors & effects. His using multiple icon but not his own original type of fonts used please inform if you've ask him to used same as my idea.
Hello Xyan, I did not tell him to copy your design, he / she came up with the logo that I really liked, what I liked about it is that it showed more than one style of bike showing that we cater to all types of bikes, lifestyles. I exsplained to designer I did not like their font or colors because it reminded me of gamestop. I did tell designer that I liked the gray, not the red. I asked for a couple different shades of grey. After that the designer did it and I kept asking for more designs, I was unsure about all of them. I loved the logo's but not the letters. Designer sent multiple designs until I picked the one I did. It was a tough desision! I loved yours aswell. I did not realize it was the same font as yours? I wanted to look at it now and compare but you withdrew your design. Is it the exact same??? I really dont think it is? Id like to compare now... Thank you for all your designs! I really appreceate all of them! I really do not want you to think I tried to rip off your design in any way because that is not the case. If you want to disput it with logotornament, im sure they can look through all the e mails and see that it was not intentional nor a request from me.