34382Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 34382

34382 has selected their winning logo design.

For $420 they received 137 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.






Wow that logo is awsome!!!! So far I like it the best. Perfect hardcore feel that I like! My partner though is worried that it will only attract one type of crowd. Is it possible to make one that still has an edge like this but more nutral I guess? some bright colors, 3d looking, fun , sexy, still with a little edge to it. Thank you so much for blessing us with your tallent!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
let me work on it. thanks for feedback. luca.
13 years ago
You know I still like the first one better, the second reminds me more the shap of a car for some reason? Can you give me another sub? Totaly new one? Also on the first can you make the tag line "feeding your biking obsession" more poppy and larger to read? Thank you!!!
13 years ago
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