33306Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / 33306 33306 has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 70 designs from 13 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by deux Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #46 Withdrawn 4th #45 Withdrawn 6th #19 Withdrawn 10th #43 Withdrawn New #44 Withdrawn New #37 Withdrawn New #38 Withdrawn New #18 Withdrawn Prefers others. #42 Withdrawn Prefers others. #41 Withdrawn Prefers others. #40 Discussion deux Logo Designer Minimal, crisp and memorable. Easy to use on any medium ranging from business card to wedding dress label.Tα χρώματα διορθώνονται εύκολα.(This comment references Entry #18) 14 years ago apavli Client How about instead of a heart is a diamond ring.Like a proposal ring?Thanks 14 years ago deux Logo Designer With a diamond instead of heart... just as you requested.(This comment references Entry #19) 14 years ago apavli Client much better. Is it possible to make it look more elegant? Thanks 14 years ago apavli Client can you please change the color into silver instead of lilac?thanks 14 years ago apavli Client can you please change the color into silver instead of lilac?thanks 14 years ago apavli Client (This comment references Entry #19) can you please change the color into silver instead of lilac?thanks 14 years ago apavli Client (This comment references Entry #19) can you please change the color into silver instead of lilac ?To look like a ring basically!thanks 14 years ago deux Logo Designer will do apavli... will do. 14 years ago apavli Client ENTRY #19Is it possible to change the font type into something more modern and color...silver pls thanks 14 years ago deux Logo Designer Hello apavli... jus got back from a three day weekend.You will have the revisions first thing in the morning. Καλή Σαρακοστή!RegardsMichael 14 years ago deux Logo Designer Design update(This comment references Entry #37) 14 years ago apavli Client Entry #37Hi, more elegant and to look like a ring ? 14 years ago deux Logo Designer Design updates...(This comment references Entry #40) 14 years ago deux Logo Designer Ring part as nifiko(This comment references Entry #42) 14 years ago apavli Client I liked Entry #42 but I want the ring to be smaller please and I want to see it with seperated colors like you did for Entry #19 to-nifiko-mou and with the font type that you have on Entry #38 but in small caps 14 years ago deux Logo Designer On it apavli.Will upload asap!RegardsMichael 14 years ago deux Logo Designer And some more updates...(This comment references Entry #43) 14 years ago apavli Client much better! kali sarakosti by the waythanks 14 years ago deux Logo Designer That's great to hear apavli.Anything else you might need please don't hesitate to comment! 14 years ago