Thank you very much for creating a logo that matches our image. We have decided on this logo.
The word "en" is also the Japanese word for circle. We decided that the logo mark combining "t" and "circle" is appropriate for the corporate logo.
Thanks for your reply about the meaning of the logo.
I like the logo, but would like to see a version with a darker color for better visibility.
Could you make the blue part slightly more of a clear blue, and the gray part a little darker?
thanks in advance, the symbol is inspired by the lowercase t and simplifies the design, also makes it more dynamic and less rigid, I purposely made the tail of the t slightly higher so it almost forms a circle, and removed half the head of the letter to make it look simple. the philosophy is simple and dynamic
I like this logo quite a bit, but if we adopt it, we will need to explain to others what the shape of the logo means. Please let me know if you have any idea what this logo mark means to you.
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The word "en" is also the Japanese word for circle. We decided that the logo mark combining "t" and "circle" is appropriate for the corporate logo.
thanks =)
I like the logo, but would like to see a version with a darker color for better visibility.
Could you make the blue part slightly more of a clear blue, and the gray part a little darker?
masmett =)