Dear Losmavros,
Thank you very much for your works. We have found 3 of your entries very interesting and exactely what we are looking for but we would be happy to speak with you about some details:
- Entry # 12:
- we like the pattern of the drop of water very much but we are not very happy with the characters. Would it be possible to change them and to try to lighten the colors just a litle bit especially for the name "Provence eau"?
-Entry #13
- same comments as entry #12 except for the form of the characters that we do like very much. This only thing we would like to change is the the arrow at the end of the letter "P". We would prefer that the letter "P" stops at the middle of the letter "E".
- we also like the pattern without the arrow but we think that the two words "Provence Eau" are not separate enough and in consequences make the name not readable enough.
We would be grateful if you would send us other examples taking in account our comments.
Thanking you in advance.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you do need further information.
Best regards,
Thierry Marie.