I've uploaded the required files here, once you approve those files I will email you additional formats at this address on the contract: scott.mueller@313holdings.com
can this be the exact same as #189 just with the grey instead of white? thank you and i am going to select the other one right now as my winner. i appreciate it!
i want to select this logo and you as the winner. i have never done this before. do i make that selection and then we work up the "final" version. I don't need any changes to this one, it is good to go as is, i just would also like it with the gray you once had in there if possible, along with an inverse version if easy to create one where the backdrop is white and the text is blue. thank you!
thank you. i may ultimately not want to change this one, but how would it look to make the 313 slightly larger? i ask because the 313 is what should be emphasized more than the "Holdings" (which is more of a generic term). it is somewhat emphasized just by virtue of being on top, but i wonder if it would look better if it were larger, or would look weird since i do intend to leave the LLC small. thank you!
i am heading out for a bit, but will have a couple of more tweak requests coming your way. i ran an informal poll of some friends and the results are coming in. just wanted to post you and thank you
thank you Janis and i believe we have narrowed it down to this one of yours and one other (or perhaps the one where you have the LLC in the lower right, which i also like). for the sake of comparison, rather than have the 313 and the LLC centered, can you try one with the 313 at the same height, but towards the upper left (i.e., so moved directly towards the left edge a bit) and the LLC correspondingly moved to the lower right edge. that asymmetry may not look good, so not sure about it, but would like to see it. thank you and i promise you are not wasting your time - we are only going back and forth on two at this point. thank you!
thank you for your quick work here. this is also my least favorite, so let's punt this one and we'll get to a final one here soon. i am going to sign off to spend the evening with my family, but i don't intend to drag this out and we'll get it wrapped up by early next week. thank you!!!
#167 Another options with 'LLC' smaller and breaking up the thin border line like '313' (all three centered). If you have any other requests let me know.
you have been awesome and super helpful. thank you. i like the blue background with the grey text. upon seeing a number of other entries, i would like to see the LLC be much smaller, so it is not the same scale as the 313 and the Holdings. perhaps either we center it directly under the 313 (and center the "Holdings" as well, or perhaps the LLC is in the lower right corner. all ok? thank you
sorry for all of the back and forth here. will you do me a favor and remove the "Private Investment Entity" phrase below the logo? not urgent and thank you
thank you very much for your work here and this is near the top of my list (I like it in all colors). i am going to have some family over tomorrow night or Friday to take a look at it with me. can you tweak it such that the D is an exact replica of the file i attached to my submission (sized to fit in with the rest of the text)? yours is close, but not quite the same. thank you!
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If you have any requests for changes to my design: color, font , layout...let me know and I’m happy to oblige.