I really like both designs. I am open to having color. If all is one color or the logo is one color and the 30glycolic is another, that could work. The box and 30 cannot be different colors because the screen print would have to take 2 passes and could offset and look quite bad. Can you please make the 30 GLYCOLIC.COM run together like this 30GLYCOLIC.COM? There is no space between 30 and glycolic. thank you.
#38 is the one I still prefer the most. I really like the 30 at a diagonal and the black circle with com inside. Can you resubmit that one and just get rid fo the space between 30 and GLYCOLIC? I put #88 as the new #1 before I relized that the .com had changed. I really, really like the com inside the black circle. It pops out and distinguishes the logo from all other submissions.