I am about to choose a winner....I have no idea how this works and if I can communicate with you after this is over. This was a HARD choice. You put in some awesome entries that we really liked. All the best to you and thank you SO very much for being so prompt and doing all the crazy tweaks we asked for. All the best to you!
Can you do a cart with an umbrella? So maybe less emphasis on the bike and more on the cart?
We like the popcorn straight across here - it’s bigger.
Maybe try one like this (with Umbrella cart) and one with the cart at the very bottom
With Triple T’s Popcorn above it?
Does that make sense?
I have uploaded a new picture of what we are going to try to have the shop look like. Clean and crisp - using your same logos, could you to your best to tweak the logo to best match this pic please?
We really like this. Could you possibly:
1. Incorporate the Carolina blue into this.
2. Make the work popcorn stand out more in some way
3. Make the actual popcorn stand out a little more
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We like the popcorn straight across here - it’s bigger.
Maybe try one like this (with Umbrella cart) and one with the cart at the very bottom
With Triple T’s Popcorn above it?
Does that make sense?
1. Incorporate the Carolina blue into this.
2. Make the work popcorn stand out more in some way
3. Make the actual popcorn stand out a little more