Hello :) il try other versions tomorrow also!....I tried to make the roots more prominent, and the numbers are clearer...what you think of the W and the root part of the W....let me know!, thank you!
For sure I can do that, Add muscles to the Roots itself...and make the numbers smaller....and the leafs also. More emphasis on the roots part. Il work on it tonight when I get home from work..cool!...its fun project to work on!..stay tuned :)
We are on the right track, however it still looks like we are saying strong trunks or stems and I’d like to convey strong roots. I’m wondering about reimagining the characters with the muscles on the underside of the the ground and the little leaf heads above but much smaller...shrink the 321 as well....make sense?
Hello, I wanted to try something a little more simple...so it can be used for hats shirts...on so on....if you like to see more roots let me know...thak you!
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