This is clearly our favorite and quite a complement to you with the number of entries we received. It has always been our top pick since it was first submitted,. so thank you for your effort.
Before we finalize, two questions.
1) If you think of using this in a business card, do you think the font for the tag line "are you ready for what's next?" will show up ok. we will defer to your opinion on this.
2) If you look at the balance of the 2T and the block with 2Transition and the tag line, do you think it would look better if the top of the 2Transition is in alignment with the top of the 2T and the bottom of the tag line "are you ready for what's next?" is in alignment with the bottom of the 2T. I hope this makes sense. Can you align this so the top and bottoms are aligned.
This is the first time we have used this service and very pleased. we are not designers or familiar with how logos are delivered or what we need to ask. Four questions about that
1) We assume we can ask you for other designs later using the logo. is there a a way to contact you in the future and do we do that directly with you or do we go through this site.
2) We see that the default is for an EPS file, can we get both the full logo and the 2T as an EPS and JPEG file.
3) are the formats compatible for both web and print.
4) Can you confirm the font of the lettering so we can use that font in letters.
Thanks again, and good work. We will mark you as the winner once we have any modifications