i have selected you as the winner so please prepare the various logos/colors/layouts (329, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364) with the registered trademark symbol and in the various file formats listed (.ai, .eps, .dst, .jpg, .pst) . i also need to know the PMS colors.
i i need the following done with the symbol for registered trademark (the "R" with a circle around it):
329, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364
so you have provided me with the various formats i need. thank you. some questions:
1. how will i receive your final files in the various formats needed (.ai, .eps, .dst, .jpg, .pst) ?
2. will you provide the PMS colors for the gray, blue, green ?
3. will you add the symbol for registered trademark ?
4. can you try # 329 with some different fonts (univers condensed, arial narrow, eras bold, haetenschweiller, and others) ?
that makes no sense at all. the concept of using a white reverse is not unqiue. i am choosing your logo but need different color themes for our various publications. please check with the logotournament manager to see if this is something you can do.
i'm unable to attach anything anymore. i refer you to a goggle sesarch for "Jacobs Engineering logo", go to Images, and then you'll see a sample of the smaller rectangle box around the white logo i am referring to. thanks.
for the black box, i'd like to see a smaller rectangle box just going over the outer limits of the logo. i'll attach a sample to the contest rules in just a minute so you can see what we are wanting.
i'd like to select # 350 as the winner but i have a few questions for you:
1. we have decided to go with just the 2MNEXT and eliminate the green crescent shape. can you revise and submit for review?
2. once created, we will need multiple color variations (e.g., 2 color, all black, all gray, reverse, white in box, etc. ), are you willing to create those ?
3. will we get multiple filetypes including: jpg, eps, ai, vector, dst
4. i will need to know the PMS colors for each combination, will you provide it ?
you've added multiple crescents which i do not want. stick with the single green crescent. instead, take a close look at the 'shadow' effect in the crescents of the ASC logo....i would like you to mimic the shadow effect for the 1 green crescent which basically shows the crescent having a shadow right next to it.
this version looks very good. i did not like some of the other 3D ones. i have attached a file to the Design Brief (a Word file) and in it is a logo I own from before. please see if you can use the shadow effect in the crescent that was used in the ASC logo and use it in your # 329 version. i think that will provide a suitable effect.
i'd like to select # 322 as the winner but i need the following:
1. make the '2M' font thicker
2. can you try a metallic silver instead of the gray
3. can you use a more neon green
4. see if you can make the crescent with some 3-D or depth
Colors look good. What about the concepts I had in the other PDF that was posted to the design brief (which I took down). Did you see those 2 concepts ?
Ok, I will do so now that you have the comments. I will try to remove it on my iPhone, if I cannot then I will be back at my desktop this afternoon and will do it then. Thank you.
That is not my goal. Please understand that I cannot email you directly, and the website administrator suggested I post it to the design brief page. The comment is meant only for you as I like your design with the crescent shape. You have remained number one ranked since early this week and I have been communicating only with you. I hope you understand my predicament in being able to communicate my comments back and forth. That's why I wanted to email you directly. Thank you for understanding and I look forward to receiving the revised logos. Please advise of any comments or questions.
i have uploaded a file to the design brief called stealth...please see if you can use that shape for the left part of the arrow between the E and the X.
I LIKE THE WAY THE 2M AND THE next ARE LAID OUT IN 293. see if you can use a taller font for the 2M.
1. use the gray from # 293.
2. use blue as: CMYK = 100,68,00,12
3. use green as: CMYK = 100,00, 85, 24
4 add the crescent/circle shape (in green) and make it go around and outside the text. in other words, have it wrap around the text.
5. add the crescent/circle (in green) and have it go thru the text.
A few comments:
1. Instead of wrapping the crescent around just the 2M, wrap it around the entire logo and use a green color (Seattle Seahawks green). Make the 2M as wide as the NEXT.
2. Do another version with the same as no. 1 above, but place. The crescent within the square bounded by the 2M and NEXT.
3. The blue and gray look too close in color. Use 'Seattle Seahawks blue' instead of what is there now.
I can not send the revised designs because your contest in the selection winner, only rank1 can send revisions designs. Please place my design at rank 1.
Many thanks.
Comment Activity
thank you.
329, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364
1. how will i receive your final files in the various formats needed (.ai, .eps, .dst, .jpg, .pst) ?
2. will you provide the PMS colors for the gray, blue, green ?
3. will you add the symbol for registered trademark ?
4. can you try # 329 with some different fonts (univers condensed, arial narrow, eras bold, haetenschweiller, and others) ?
thank you.
1. all black
2. reverse white in a black box background
1. we have decided to go with just the 2MNEXT and eliminate the green crescent shape. can you revise and submit for review?
2. once created, we will need multiple color variations (e.g., 2 color, all black, all gray, reverse, white in box, etc. ), are you willing to create those ?
3. will we get multiple filetypes including: jpg, eps, ai, vector, dst
4. i will need to know the PMS colors for each combination, will you provide it ?
thank you for all of your hard work.
Thank you.
1. use the gray from # 293.
2. use blue as: CMYK = 100,68,00,12
3. use green as: CMYK = 100,00, 85, 24
if you want to change colour?
1. make the '2M' font thicker
2. can you try a metallic silver instead of the gray
3. can you use a more neon green
4. see if you can make the crescent with some 3-D or depth
#322 please check.
1. use the gray from # 293.
2. use blue as: CMYK = 100,68,00,12
3. use green as: CMYK = 100,00, 85, 24
i have uploaded a file (agus_comments) to the design brief illustrating my first set of comments from this morning
i have uploaded a file to the design brief called stealth...please see if you can use that shape for the left part of the arrow between the E and the X.
1. use the gray from # 293.
2. use blue as: CMYK = 100,68,00,12
3. use green as: CMYK = 100,00, 85, 24
4 add the crescent/circle shape (in green) and make it go around and outside the text. in other words, have it wrap around the text.
5. add the crescent/circle (in green) and have it go thru the text.
Please ask staff LogoTournament.
1. Instead of wrapping the crescent around just the 2M, wrap it around the entire logo and use a green color (Seattle Seahawks green). Make the 2M as wide as the NEXT.
2. Do another version with the same as no. 1 above, but place. The crescent within the square bounded by the 2M and NEXT.
3. The blue and gray look too close in color. Use 'Seattle Seahawks blue' instead of what is there now.
Many thanks.