I like your take on the T it is very different. I like the hands and flame. Could you take them all the way up on each side and try a different color for the hand? I like the open Bibles, can you do half of one on each side? Thank you
Thank you CH for your feedback. Can you tell me how many hands will be going up on each side ? is there a specific number of hands ? Please let me know.. thanks
I just submitted a revision CH, please let me know what other things you would like me to change. Please dont hesitate my ask, its my pleasure to do your request.
Thank you for all of your variations. You have done a great job creating a logo from my ideas. Would you create a couple logos with your own ideas? Just using 2BTIMMS what would you create?Very traditional or very modern?
Yes i will do that CH. Can you be more specific on what ideas you have for me to have an idea ? Would like like to have a hands on both sides ? and the bibles ?