I like your work, but can you propoze me something completely different. Something more complexe than this logo which is totaly different of what you made until now.
You can check the picture i put like an exemple if you want.
can you try to change the font of the writing and the color of the the logo like silver and for the small square of the roof you can try to put the Swiss flat ?
To explain precisely what im looking for the logo, here are some criteria that would help you:
- something complex and worked in details
- something that goes on a white background, a transparent background or a black background
- You are not obliged to use the Gold color, just use something that match, and make it beautiful.
- Be as creative as possible
- You can take the picture i put like an example if it help you
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Can you make something completely different ?
Using another colors and making sometging much more complexe than this logo just to see how it look like ?
thank you in advance
I like your work, but can you propoze me something completely different. Something more complexe than this logo which is totaly different of what you made until now.
You can check the picture i put like an exemple if you want.
It is possible ?
To explain precisely what im looking for the logo, here are some criteria that would help you:
- something complex and worked in details
- something that goes on a white background, a transparent background or a black background
- You are not obliged to use the Gold color, just use something that match, and make it beautiful.
- Be as creative as possible
- You can take the picture i put like an example if it help you
Thank you in advance !
I need you to change the font of the writing..
You must keep 360 Swiss Engineering SA
But just change the font ...
Can You just try to change the police ?
Can you try to change the Police of the Writing to see how it looks?
What about trying to put the « Swiss Engineering SA » next to the 360 ?
Can you try to put « Swiss » then under that « Engineering SA » just to see how it look like ?
You can also take off the « SA » at the end if it looks better without ?!