To explain precisely what im looking for the logo, here are some criteria that would help you:
- something complex and worked in details
- something that goes on a white background, a transparent background or a black background
- You are not obliged to use the Gold color, just use something that match, and make it beautiful.
- Be as creative as possible
- You can take the picture i put like an example if it help you
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Something more complexe, with other colors than the yellow, for exemple Silver with black and white ?
There is also the font of the writing that doesnt match with what im looking for..
Can you propose me something else ? With a different logo? thank you in advance
To explain precisely what im looking for the logo, here are some criteria that would help you:
- something complex and worked in details
- something that goes on a white background, a transparent background or a black background
- You are not obliged to use the Gold color, just use something that match, and make it beautiful.
- Be as creative as possible
- You can take the picture i put like an example if it help you
Thank you in advance !