#9 and #10: are on the right track although I'd suggest a couple changes. As I've said to others, we want to stay away from anything that looks too "corporate" so anything you could do to soften these up a bit would be great. Also, we'd like to see some color options besides blue and green. The "S" element of the design is really close but would be even better if it was a bit more "organic"... possibly adding or somehow making it into something reminiscent of nature. It can be done abstractly; it doesn't need to be literal.
#11 and #12: We want to stay away from anything that depicts a person but if you added a different graphic to #12, the layout of it is nice.
We are loving #13, #14 and #15. Those are definite contendors at this point. #16 and #17 we would like better if the "S" design (thanks for adding the leaves/ buds) looked a little more like an "S"... maybe slightly changing the sform if you're willing. Still, we probably like the other three designs better but that might change how much we like 16 and 17. We're going to rule out #11 and #12 at this point. Thanks so much for your work and responsiveness to the feedback!
Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm sorry for late reply. This are the revision and some new variation. #44 #45 #46 #47 More feedback are welcome. Thank you
Thanks for all of your work. We definitely like this concept. We're not sure which one of them we like best among all of the variations. Thanks for giving us several to choose from.