Hello beloempoenjanama, Thanks for all your work! You have incredible and excellent ideas! Would it be possible to have proposals with a TRIDENT, please? Furthermore, my family name LOONIS-QUELEN would be placed on the left and/or right side of the logo. Finallly LOONIS would be above QUELEN. Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Guillaume LOONIS-QUELEN
Dear beloempoenjanama, Many thanks for your proposals! When I try to reduce the size of the logo (eg. business card), it seems that the blue line also disapear. It seems to be the same for the letters. Would it be possible to increase the thickness of the letters and the line in order to keep them visible, please? Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, many thanks again. Concerning the #25: 1. would it be possible to use the same letters than for the #55, please? 2. the compass needs perhaps to be represented with a dark blue part and a white part. For reference the following link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/426012445972214104/ I thank you very much in advance. With best regards, Guillaume
------------------------------------------------------------------ Selection Phase Only the 1st ranked designer can submit logos. The objective of this phase is to make minor revisions and select a winner. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear beloempoenjanama, I just the logo in first. Many thanks again. Concerning the #25 : 1. would it be possible to use the same letters than for the #55 , please? 2. the compass needs perhaps to be represented with a dark blue part and a white part. For reference the following link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/426012445972214104/ I thank you very much in advance. With best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, Many thanks for your proposals! Concerning the #55, when I try to reduce the size of the logo (eg. business card), it seems that the blue line also disapear. It seems to be the same for the letters. Would it be possible to increase the thickness of the letters and the line in order to keep them visible, please? Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, Many thanks for your proposals! 1. sorry but I don't see the difference between #158 and #159. May I ask you to explain it to me, please? Is it the blue which is darker in #158? 2, the compass rose is an excellent symbol, would it be possible to integrate it in #158 and #159. For, reference, I propose you an example. Many thanks, Best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama , many thanks again! For #162, would it be possible to reverse: compas on the left and names on the right, please? I thank you in advance. With best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama , many thanks again! When I print, even in big size, the lines of the compas are too then, the blu color comes over them. Is it possible to improve the visibility of the compas. Perhaps in white only? many thaks. best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama , many thanks for the excellent new proposals! When I print the logo, the compass is still difficult to see properly. 1. is it possible to increase the thickness of each branch and sub-branch please? 2. is it possible to increase the thickness of the circles, please? Many thanks for your work. All the best, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama , many thanks for the excellent work. By keeping in mind the previous message, would it be possible to make more unique the compas, please? The company works in détails so perhaps the following link might be useful as a reference https://www.pinterest.com/pin/87257311505631205/ The idea is to : - for the circles: a circle surrounding the all compas, a second one in the between the center and the circumference; - for the arrows: even if it is not detail s the picture in the link, some sub-arrows starting from the sub-circles to the circumference circle. Many thanks for your work. All the best, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, I thank you very much for your great proposals! From #171, is it possible to have the half of the compas as in #170, please? Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, many thanks ! For #171, #172, #173 and #174, is it possible to inverse the colors please? I mean, names and compas in blue and the blue square in white. I thank you in advance. All the best, Guillaume
Sorry, I just realîzed that there is a technical problem in the compas. There are 3 types of arrows: Firstly, there are 4 main arrows for N, E, S and W. Secondly, there are 4 sub-arrows for NE, SE, SW and NW. Thirdly, there are 16 sub-sub-arrows (in the circumference and the sub-circle ).
ATTENTION: the technical problem is with the 16 sub-sub-arrows . In reality, it should be 8 sub-sub-arrows for: NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW and NNW. Please, is it possible to remove 8 sub-sub-arrows on the 16 sub-sub-arrows ? The 8 sub-sub-arrows need to be at equal distance of each sub-arrows (NE, SE, SW and NW).
I thank you very much in advance. Best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, I hope everything is all right? Concerning the contest, there is now just 3 days I think. May I ask you when you plan to add the two types of corrections that I sent you previously,please : 1. Concerning the " Law Office"; 2. Concerning the sub-sub-arrows. I thank you in advance for your understanding and work. With my best regards, Guillaume
Dear beloempoenjanama, Many thanks for the impressive work you have done. I have a deadline line for today for smthg. I get back to you by tomorrow. I thank you very much again. All the best, Guillaume
Hope eveerything is all right?! Thank you again for your work!
1. my printer wrote me that the blue background will be too big for business cards. Then, what shall we do? But at the same time, it might be ok for letters. What is the solution: either reduce the dimension of the background or keep it and my printer will do it. I don't know. May I ask you to try with a background smaller, please?
2. is it possible to have the "LAW OFFICE" inn white color, please?
Dear beloempoenjanama, many thanks again! Would it be possible to try to reduce the diameter of the compas ? Perhaps the equal to the distance separing the base of the letters "LAW OFFICE" to the letters of the top of "LOONIS"? I thank you vry much in advance. All the best, Guillaume