2300, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 2300, Inc.

2300, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 97 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.
















































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Logo Designer
Hello, Here is the custom wordmark I came up with for you. Clean and bold, and most importantly: eye-catching and memorable!

Let me know if you would like to see some color introduced, although I like it as a sleek black/silver/white logo! Thanks for looking!

(This comment references Entry #13)
13 years ago
Hello, Goodguy Design! Yes, would love to see some color! :)

Two things we want to communicate with the design is
#1) Michael's humanitarianism
#2) Representation that 2300 represents the address of Michael childhood home
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Sherry,

Thanks for that information and the ranking! I will rework my design and see what else I can come up with for you.

Talk with you again soon!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I added a street sign to call out the reason behind the name. I am going to explore more color options now as well...

(This comment references Entry #17)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
A blue/green option...

(This comment references Entry #18)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
And a platinum option, based on his many platinum records!...

(This comment references Entry #19)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Another possible layout option, with the hat resting on his home...

(This comment references Entry #20)
13 years ago
Thank you! :) I really like the idea of the hat resting on the home instead of the street sign, because the street sign does not deliver the sentiment we're looking for, which is something regal with flourish, a crest, monogram, a royal kind of insignia. I think we're on the right track!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sounds great. I will see how I can visually represent that, and post some new ideas tonight or first thing in the morning!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Couple more options for you! A simple and warm-feeling home icon... :)

(This comment references Entries #26, #27)
13 years ago
Designs #26 and #27: Thank you again! The house looks great! :) In these designs you've communicated one of the two major points so far, which is the street address of Michael's childhood home. The other that needs to be represented is the humanitarianism aspect. Michael's philanthropy is really the entire basis and inspiration for our organization (we explain more about us in the brief). Think about putting into context song themes like Michael's We Are the World, Heal the World, What More Can I Give, etc.

Just a few quick suggestions! Maybe the use of shadows cast from or on the house or the 2300 text such as people holding hands, or of a little boy picking a flower (nature and the environment were very important to him) or perhaps a heart-shaped balloon flying above or next to the house (referencing the one that was featured in the MTV 2009 VMA promo for Janet's tribute performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NQgkDXY5JQ). That could elicit the childlike quality but also humanitarianism. Or an image of the earth could be used to convey global unity, harmony and environmental themes.

We do not want to veer close to being too novel/cartoony or fan-clubby in our visual identity, if that makes sense (see our brief for further explanation). :) Another idea mentioned is a more sophisticated, crest or monogram-like design with a regal flourish.

Thank you again for being so receptive to our feedback! :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I added a globe and people joining hands for a better cause...

(This comment references Entry #29)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here he is emitting a warm glow of caring...

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here the hat is placed on the healing world. A bit more abstract than direct, but this shows how Michael directly effected the world in a positive way.

(This comment references Entry #33)
13 years ago
Thank you, GoodGuy! :) Design #29 We love the globe and adjoined hands. :) I love the concept. However, I think the overall look and "feel" of the design still isn't quite capturing the essence of our org. I think it's fun and edgy, and it definitely makes a connection to the home and Michael's humanitarianism, but it wouldn't appeal to the demographic we're aiming for (see brief).

This is what I wrote above:

"We do not want to veer close to being too novel/cartoony or fan-clubby in our visual identity, if that makes sense (see our brief for further explanation). :) Another idea mentioned is a more sophisticated, crest or monogram-like design with a regal flourish."

I'm not asking you to change the template of the design because I think it's brilliant! But I think it could be modified to fit the above. :) Thank you! Will check in again a bit later!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for that detailed info, Sherry. See what you think of this one: it is more professional and proper feeling, while still having a hint of his fun and child-like energy...

(This comment references Entry #41)
13 years ago
Thank you! Entry #41 I really like what you've done with cleaner lines and so forth. The text looks great. However, we've lost the connection to the home. Could you perhaps put the text inside an outline of the home and put the globe on the side? We could eliminate the hat and include a silhouette of Michael as a child in the front yard. What do you think?
13 years ago
Like the curvilinear aspect of Design #42! :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a new layout, based on your last couple of suggestions! :) A silhouette of Michael in front of his home, picking a flower.

(This comment references Entry #43)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Less emphasis on the home/Michael's silhouette...

(This comment references Entry #44)
13 years ago
Design #46 We love it! :) Could you incorporate some color into the design? Flecks of green in the globe and also on the leaves. Yellow on the flower? (Michael's favorite was the sunflower!)

Try some uses of color where you see it would augment the design. Thank you! :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sounds good; I like that idea. I will get some new revisions posted asap!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
See what you think of this one. I converted the flower to a sunflower, as well as added the suggested green (great idea by the way). I also made the window on the house give off a warm glow, in the same shade as the sunflower. I am really loving this one!

(This comment references Entry #59)
13 years ago
Also, could you please sharpen up Michael's silhouette a bit, emphasizing his afro and clothes of the era? :) It's very iconic and unmistakably Michael. I'm not sure if you've seen this commercial, but it really captures his silhouette as a child and also what we're trying to capture with the design and its sentiment. View at this URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mQ9ypttIaw
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Perfect! I will rework the silhouette portion right now!...
13 years ago
Design #59 Love the added color! Think it would look best if you removed the window from the house because there isn't an upper window in the actual home. Otherwise, looking great!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Excellent point about the house; I removed the window and balanced the layout of the house visually with the door. This smaller thumbnail image doesn't really do it justice, but I made sure it was obvious he was wearing bell bottoms and made his unmistakable afro more easily recognizable. :)

(This comment references Entry #60)
13 years ago
Entry #60 Love the edits to the silhouette! I think the house needs to be more significant in the design. Perhaps it could encompass the entire background, or most of it? What are your thoughts?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hmmm... that is a vaild point as well. I will rework some new options and post some additional revisions soon. Thanks!
13 years ago
You're the designer, so you know best! :) Just thought that the proportion could be better to the figure.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't know if we want to go much bigger than this, but at least now the proportions feel accurate when looking at the whole thing.

(This comment references Entry #61)
13 years ago
Design #61 this looks great!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I am very happy with the current state of it now, but if you happen to think of anything else you may want to see just let me know! Thanks!

Also, if you think of anything once the contest hits Judging Mode, your top-ranked designer can still submit changes. Just a reminder ;)
13 years ago
Thank you! :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I think I still like the simplified stylized house better (as in entry #61), but I wanted to see how it might look with a more direct realistic representation of it as well.

(This comment references Entry #68)
13 years ago
Design #68 Love it!
13 years ago
Design #68 Do you think you could make the globe a bit more prominent?

The representation of the house adds so much to the overall design!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a more realistic and tangible globe, rather than the abstract lines/outlines! I also added the bottom stone portion of the house below the siding.

(This comment references Entry #72)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is an alternate option, for white or other lighter backgrounds. It is important that your final logo looks great on any and all colors!

(This comment references Entry #73)
13 years ago
Thank you! I really like the solidity of the globe and also the bottom stone portion (nice eye!).

Do you think you could try to emulate the siding and make it white like the original? Or would this not work?

Prefer the solid blue of "2300" in Design #68 than the shiner shadings of light. Like the idea of light emitting only from either the globe or house.
13 years ago
Design #73 Like the figures being darker and the overall boldness. How about making "2300" a dark blue solid?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the initial logo with the siding added in the proper white. I will post a revised version for light colors as well next!

(This comment references Entry #75)
13 years ago
Entry #75 I like the texture of the house. Can we see it in black and white like the actual home?

Actually, I think the entire design would look better in black and white instead of blue and white, of course keeping the pops of color with the globe, flower and leaves. The figures should be black. What do you think?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
That is a good call; I will rework it and see how it looks. Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
See what you think of this one! I added a white border behind Michael, so that his silhouette could be black as well.

(This comment references Entry #84)
13 years ago
#86 How about adding the brick red around the windows and roof to make it pop?

Here's a pic:
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing! I will get on that...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Now we are looking like the original home! ;)

(This comment references Entry #87)
13 years ago
That looks great! :)
13 years ago
Could you maybe try using the dark blue with the figures and the text? Something like what you did with #76? Or explore other solid colors for them? The house is awesome as it is! :) Thank you!
13 years ago
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