I will love something more organic but simple. The logo must be beautiful in one color as well. Please don't use shadows. Pls I don't like a text that I can write in Power Point. I will love to see art/work in the icon as well as in the text.
I apologize for not giving you feedback sooner. I am coming out of a very strong COVID process but I am fine now.
I requested again to reopen the space to get the logo that we are going to love in the company. Thank you very much for your work and understanding of the situation.
I´m happy you like my logo. Submitted revisions so you can compare my friend.
I appreciate all the awesome feedback on my logos. I will check the other logo later after I arrive from work.
But to reply to this one Alejo, this is my design and was created by me. You will never find nothing like it. I would not submit a desgin that was not made by me. Saying this its 100% original work you can trust.
I want to use it as a Stamp like as Booking.com give it to the hotels to put on their desks ... then we need something clear and simple. And someting we can print in one color as well
Love your logo but it has too much details.
I love the farmer and kids... but the tool of the (left) kid looks like an evil tail jeje. But that family or the farmer only can be the icon
I want to use it as a Stamp like as Booking.com give it to the hotels to put on their desks ... then we need something clear and simple. And someting we can print in one color as well
I like the Icon. It is designed by you? if not, could you give us something original but same idea?
Pls use solid colors
Could you try with a name "22champs" someting more elaborated?
Comment Activity
I will love something more organic but simple. The logo must be beautiful in one color as well. Please don't use shadows. Pls I don't like a text that I can write in Power Point. I will love to see art/work in the icon as well as in the text.
I requested again to reopen the space to get the logo that we are going to love in the company. Thank you very much for your work and understanding of the situation.
I appreciate your updates.
Yes sure I can submitted already. Please check and let me know if it´s all okay.
Thank you.
Kindly regards,
Sorry for the delay, was sleeping time in Portugal my friend.
I´ve submitted variations on the words so you can appreciate.
If you need anything else just let me know.
Thank you.
Kindly regards,
could you give any more details to the words? 22champs. In the brief please see the first example. We are looking for something like thet
I appreciate your awesome feedback.
Submitted revisions with color variations.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Pls do not use too much colors two different greens can be great
Pls ser the firs style inspiration in the brief
I´m happy you like my logo. Submitted revisions so you can compare my friend.
I appreciate all the awesome feedback on my logos. I will check the other logo later after I arrive from work.
But to reply to this one Alejo, this is my design and was created by me. You will never find nothing like it. I would not submit a desgin that was not made by me. Saying this its 100% original work you can trust.
Anything you may need just let me know.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
I love the farmer and kids... but the tool of the (left) kid looks like an evil tail jeje. But that family or the farmer only can be the icon
Pls use solid colors
Could you try with a name "22champs" someting more elaborated?