Thanks a lot! I absolutely love the designs! Small request: could you please add on both "Mercancía oficial" as you did on #6 with the official merchandise? Thanks so much!
Hey! Thanks a lot. Sorry I wasn´t completely clear. What I´m looking for is how they would look like all in the same logo, assuming we will use the store with the baseball, soccer and basketball league all at the same time. Thanks for your help!
Hey! I´m ready to select you as the winner of the contest. Quick question: could you please send the winning logo without the "Est 2015" in the final package, and also send the files for the black & white and black/blue background? I assume that as in my previous contests, you will include a styleguide for using the logo, correct? Thanks very much and congratulations for an excellent job!
PS: I would like to stay in touch with you as we will need to work some additional stuff for this project. Please let me know how I can reach you. Thanks!
Sure, i will provide all your listed request and yes i look forward to working with you again. As soon as the contest is officially ended i will send you a message.