Thank you very much for your submittal. I like it, but it is not traditional enough for us. We are a charity organization, and we are very traditional to the core of golf, so although the "movement" of the logo is very cool and well done, it may not be appropriate for this event. The best part of your logo, which is miles head of the others, is your "hands" portion of the logo. It has great detail, great contrasts, and the grip is dark (not many have gotten that). The grip is the most important, so you have less to travel to make this baby fly. We need to have our organization's name in the logo (James 1:27), and it needs to be as or more prominent than "golf marathon" I have suggested to others to perhaps try a circle logo with james 1:27 curved on the top and golf marathon curved on the bottom. just a suggestion.
Entry 14 is great. I love the sloping green, the flag, and the font. Marathon is misspelled. Can we lower the font size of "marathon" so that we could add a slope to the front of the green? That would be a nice touch. then we could increase the font on James 1:27. I would also appreciate a look at a circular logo to see h0w that looks. Thanks very much. The hands portion of the logo is awesome. Well done.
Entry 34: great, great, great. My friends are giving me feedback that they are having trouble identifying the top hand as a child's hand. They get it after I explain it to them. Is there any way to make the hand smaller or make some alteration so that it is more clear to an untrained viewer? Thanks so much. I now see why you are so highly ranked on this site. You are very talented.
One last bit of feedback from the overall chair of the foundation: he would like it to say "The James 1:27 Foundation" instead of just James 1:27. This is similar to how the Keith Brooking Foundation does their logo. Sorry for the hassle. Almost done.
For entry #17, can we go back to that one (making an adjustment for the smaller hand and zooming in closer on the hands like you did in entry #37)? I really like the sloping green and the flag. Can we just run "The James 1:27 Foundation" along the bottom of the logo? That would do it for me!
Sorry, one more thing. After making those changes above, can see how it looks to make the adult hand lighter and the small hand darker? Basically, flip the colors between hands? I wonder if that would make it more pronounced. Just a suggestion. Thanks!!
I like where you are going with #90, but the golfer's off to the left make it too busy and un-traditional, in my opinion. Can you simply remove the golfers and have a flag off on the right side, perhaps making it look like the flag is coming out of the "t" in foundation? Entry #49 is still my front runner (we are voting as a board tonight), but #90 allows you to enlarge the grip part of the logo, which is your logo's strength and the most important item we would like to stress. So, if we can dial in #90, we get the best of all worlds: the theme and feel from #49 and the close up the hands of #47.
Thank you for your efforts. 5 of the 6 board members selected this logo as our top choice. Thank you!
I also have a logo contest running for our foundation logo. Please look up the James 1:27 Foundation contest. We would love to see what you come up with there!