Really like the over all look and feel, however the brand we are trying to build is 2 C not 2CC. As mentioned in the brief, the "2 C" needs to be able to stand alone as a bug, or fav icon (only the letters 2 and C). The rest of the company name "omputer Chicks" needs to flow seemlessly after the stylized 2 C. We will be using the 2 C part in front of other words such as 2 C Development, 2 Computer Dudes.
Anywhere 2 C is used, they need to be highlighted in some way so that our brand of 2 C is what stands out rather than computer or chicks.
You are so clever. Love the person in entry 8, however think it is a little distracting.
Cannot believe you found a way to get 'chicks' in there on entry 10, however, since the 2c is going to be used in other ways, like, 2 computer dudes, that won't work overall, but very cute. Kudos on being very creative!!
Can we simplify a little bit and zone right in by color and font on the 2 C more?
Perhaps more blocky in the font? Love that you are giving it the modern feel, but would like less rounded.