We really like your work. Thanks. For 29, can you make the whole thing bigger (use the whole space) so that the font size for "Program in..." is larger? For 28, can you flip the color of the globe to blue with white (like 29) and increase font size for "Program in..."? Thanks!
They look great. As you can see we now have you ranked #1. Our concern is the leaves. This is more about human and animal health. Is there something else you can decorate the globe with other than leaves? The green does seem to work, though. Thanks! Also, we are still learning how this works. If your logo wins, do we get multiple EPS files (with several of the logos) or just the winning one?
THANK you! If I win I would be happy to send files with diferent versions of the type and icon so you can use it horiz. or vertical. To me leafs mean health and growth and food for people/animals but let me see what I can do : ) I did leafs for the food/produce feeling
It's really close but you are still our number 1. Can I ask for a couple of changes? I think you are the only one allowed to submit changes in judging mode.
1) On #80, try taking the leafs out and leave just the people. 2) On #80, change the font of "Program in..." from italics to normal.
My email address is singe024@umn.edu, just in case you are the winner and need to send files. I think they only allow you to upload one logo design (not vertical, horizontal, etc).
I'll make the changes shortly and you can see how you like. I can send other formats in e-mail after the contest is over - thanks! See #105 and #106 and ask if you need other changes.
OK, we have a more suggestions. We like either #80 or #106, but both need fonts like 106 (no italics). We also like the font of another designer, 76, because it is very clear. Can you try a version with the text like 76 (more spacing between the characters)?
Also, the people on the globe do not show up well. Can you try changing their color so that they stand out more? They still need to blend in (no loud colors) but it needs to be clear that they are people. Also, can you orient them so that they don't cover up part of South America? That last part is not a big deal, though.
Finally, can you make the font for the text "Program in..." a little darker?
All of these changes are pretty easy and I will get them to you this a.m., thx! See entries #107 and #108 where I higlited people, but will also try a couple of other colors if you like.
I really like the designs with the two people, like 110, but half of the people I've shown it to are confused. They think that they are just some swooshes in the middle of the globe or else they don't like the look of them as people. Can you try some other designs based on 105 that get the same point across? We are shooting for the link of people and health in the Americas but we have no idea how to tie that together. The globe by itself looks empty, and the leaves don't really fit the theme of health.
It is sometimes chalenging to try to say to much in one symbol. Leaf thems are often used in health and food symbos. Might be safety part that is hard. This is why symbols & names go together because the name tells what your organization is and the symbol helps make it easier to recozgnize. Symbol & name work tohether and niether has to do the whole job alone. I will try something else, tho, thx!
Hi. We continue to struggle with the globe part of the design. We talked with a friend of ours who is also a designer. She made a couple of suggestions.
1. She suggested removing details from the continents (such as the Great Lakes) because these details will make the logo less contrasty when smaller or when made black and white. She thought that eveyrone knows the shape of N and S America and suggested simplifying the continents if possible.
2. The swooshes and people, etc, in the globe just are not working. She asked whether it would be possible to do something more like designs 22 or 103, that have a swoosh person on the left, and then somehow wrap the swoosh around the globe to tie the continents together. We do not want leaves because this gives the impression that we are "green" movement, which we are not. Does that help?
Hi. We really appreciate the work you have done but we still aren't getting exactly what we want. For now I'm going to move someone else to #1 so that they can post some new designs. If we don't pick you, I would still like to pay you a little for your effort. We will see how this contest finishes. I'm really sorry about this.