I really like your designs in number 21 and 22. I want to see them with a few adjustments though. Can you have the stitching border the perimeter of the box instead of just around the name? Also, can you turn the thread on the corners of the stitching to buttons? I'd also like to see one design without buttons for comparison purposes. I'm really excited to see what you come back with! Thanks!
Hello David, thank you for your hard work, I am very happy with the final logo, but the final files that you sent me do not include the layers for the different elements. If I wanted to use the font without the border for example on a website or if I wanted to use the button in another way I would not be able to do that without the different layers. Can you please send me the actual source file?
One more note, when you send me the source file can you ensure that it will be vector based? I need to be able to print signs and different things with this image. Thank you.
David, I just noticed that the top right corner has three patches turning instead of two like the other corners can you please adjust this before you send me a final layered vector based EPS file? Thank you