Thanks for feedback here is the revision #18 #19 #20. I am still work in your contest and will be update as soon as possible. If anything to modified don't hesitate to tell me.
Here is the revision #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 and #31 , if you don't mind if anything to modified would you give detail entry number for improvement. I will do the best in your contest.
#50 can you change the line (middel line of road) to white. Shining sun ıs a nice idea but it can be problem for printıng. Can you put just a sun character without shine.
I am submit development and revision of my design base on #50 #83 #84 #85 #86 : keep shiny sun but reduce the acute angle of light #87 and #91 : simple sun #89 and #90 : different sun illustrations #88 : sun with mirage sun effect.