Thanks. These are great! #5 is a favorite - would probably turn the hands so they were going side-to-side not up and down. 4, 8, 9 are pretty feminine - a lot of our big projects are building projects, so we are trying to appeal to the skilled men out predominantly. We also like 6 and 7 - but we're not sure about the hearts. Great work though! Love them!
#18 and #11 - those are great, we love them! ON entry #7 - what if you squared the arms (so the hearts were gone?). And #12 is good - but I think we agree it's too much/busy for our taste. Thank you again though! Great work!
So we have revamped our slogan changing it to "Creating Connected Compassionate Neighbors"
Also we wanna focus on #18 and #8.
On #18 - can we try grey or white as the background. We like this design but there is something quite not there. Maybe also add a up-swooping line under the logo to help draw the eye to the slogan? We're not sure
On #8 this logo is appealing but we are not sure how relevant it is to what SERVE is about. and yet we are still drawn to it. SERVE is about service projects by neighbors for neighbors, businesses, churches, other partners come together to assist one another for various projects from landscaping to rebuilding fences to a community clothes drive - a lot of different things. If that sparks anything - great - if not, that's okay too. We just don't know what it is that we like (the abstract quality - I think) but we're not sure.
We want to thank you for your submissions. We are still talking and making decisions on any final revisions, if necessary, before we choose our winning logo. Thank you for your submissions and willingness to change, adjust and try new things as this was our first time with LT. You gave us some great things to consider! We will let you know when have made our final decisions either way! Thank you!