The designs are a little too "black power" (feel free to Google) thus too militant for what we are going for. But we like the idea. We have racked our minds trying to think of another symbol that could replace the hand but haven't come up with anything that we really liked. We're looking for serving others, community, neighborhood. So symbols we thought of have been hammer, paint brush, house, something that conveys a neighborhood?
I´m not at home right now. But by night i will do a search and think on something new for your design and will try to submit some ideias for your apreciation.
Please let me know if you like some of the new designs and would like changes. I can do them tomorrow since here are now 4:40 am, i think i still have time until the top5 end phase. Again suggestions you may have after seen some of these designs are always welcome.
I´ve just don´t understaind the paintbrush simbolism, but i´ve done this one: #68 - In a paintbrush watercolour style, with a circular shape meaning Unity between people.