Hi, the flag makes an 'R' Shape, the serif typeface of Re: Vision signifies tradition ... a more modern typeface for America, with the slanting A's to indicate forward movement or progress. Feedback welcome ...
Thanks. I love the idea. thanks for having a concept as most don't. love the flag and wonder how much of the flagpole can disappear and still keep the R. I am not keen on the typeface for America, especially the slanted "A's". I am not sure the star is necessary either. Perhaps the flag swoosh can get larger so it can stand on its own. I would try a version without the pole or the star - even a version where the flag becomes red white and blue. nice work, thanks
Thanks for the feedback it does help the process along, here is a revision ... I've tried a script typeface for America, but let me know if you would prefer to avoid those ...
Great improvement. Please try a new font. I really like the font used in the #1 ranked entry. move it in a more sophisticated direction. I like the swoosh flag a lot. thanks