thank you very much, very nice work on #57, if I had to say something is that we are missing out on the offbeat part of the logo that we are looking for but otherwise you have it all well resumed in this logo
We would like to add more information to what we are looking for. As you may have understood, we are a company that buys the best natural cosmetics, make up and well being products that we find around the world.
We are not looking for a logo for our cosmetics but a logo for our company !
Through the years we have changed peoples lives by showing them that what they where using was not good for their skin/health. This is what we would like our logo to symbolize - natural - luxury / the best - changes your life - if we can add a bit fun it would be great, the offbeat part that we are looking for, so many companies are so serious !
We are young and we want to change peoples lives with natural very high quality products
we liked the bird you did too bad you had to remove it, and now that you have removed everything I cannot add you to the top 5 ! really too bad ! is there a way for you to add one of the drawings ?
hi, sorry about that. I did a variation on the bird design yesterday and realized i was no longer able to submit hence I leave the contest thinking you already have your Top 5 designers selected..
GREAT ...thanks, no your are still in the top 5 ! can you add your variation n bird design, I don't like the scarf you did, liked the first bird but also looking for something else than a bird.
#55 is great, but I have doubts about it, let me explain, the design and color is very nice but I'm scared that people will think that what we sell is "rough", not very well selected ... do you understand ?
Our company searches for the BEST natural products around the world, we even change people lives sometimes !
At first I wanted something offbeat natural and luxurious but I'm having second thoughts about the offbeat part, I think that in beauty we have to stay serious !
lets see what you can come up with, but please don't take away what you already did !