Stüning StoneLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Stüning Stone

Stüning Stone has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 239 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.




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Hi this isn't really the type of style we are searching for.
12 years ago
Ok, getting a bit more interesting but the font face is a bit too feminine. What about taking a font that is a bit more aggressive and that is thicker?
12 years ago
cooge, targetnet with the tn inside the type of box and ace with the card types on the side of the a. these are my favorite ones. i also like how in knowify how you accentuate slightly the w to make it stand put. these are work that really grab my style attention. do you think you can think a bit more of a few ways to make your concept a bit more unique and to punch out more?
12 years ago
Hi #52 isn't that bad but we really want to have some type of abstract icon associated with the logo. Think of the sprint logo. The font face showing "sprint" uses a nice font and beside it is a nice abstract icon. Both fit well together and they do not overpower one or the other yet they can both look good separated and the icon fits within the industry / product they offer.

When I look at #52, I am tempted to ask to have it all in caps with the trema u in lowercase or just having everything in lowercase. If you look what has currently been ranked it might give you something to work from.
12 years ago
We added more details to the project on the comments area. This might help you find a better direction that is more in line with what we are looking for.

We really like the seeing concept because it has text and an icon that fits with their brand. We want something else with an icon present.
12 years ago
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