#3 - i'm expecting something that really inspire HOTEL and RESERVATION + i'd like an additional color something modern , colored but not too flashy and i'd like also to have a base line on the logo " Plateforme de Réservation Hôtelière " or " PLATEFORME DE RESERVATION HOTELIERE " - THKS
#9 and #13 - same remark as past logos , the pictogram do not represent HOTEL or HOTEL RESERVATION ...typo is nice , but the picto who seems to be a flower or someting else is not linked with hotel or with the name h-resa. thks
#17#18 , the picto is still wrong, that inspire me a place hotel... , i'm not a hotel , i sell a hotel reservation platform, as written in the brief the logo must represent - hotel - reservation platform and technologie - maybe its better to try to work on the H and use H-résa instead of h-resa? , please find some links of company who have the same activity, hope it helps u to understand my wish - many thks
#20 , that logo inspire me Hotel reservation ! :) , its the right way and it gave me an idea..., can we try to replace the H of H-résa by the bed in the label room hotel who looks like a H ? and then use the label room hotel to separate H and résa , that might require to change the typo ...
#24 can we try with Grey and orange ( same colour as the other logo ) ? thks #25 can we try with Grey and orange ( same colour as the other logo ) ? + without the tick inside the label room - thks #26 - can we try an other type of hotel- bell in the logo, thks #26 - can we try also an other picto than the hotel-bell ? like a bed or an hotel - thks