Maß-SchneiderLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Maß-Schneider

Maß-Schneider has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 68 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.


















Hello Insignificart and thank you for your entry,

I love the idea with a cloth-patch!! Can you please work it a little bit out? I think you are on a good way!
The writing is a bit small, if you go 3 m away from the screen, it will be very hard to read. And a bit more colors would be great.

12 years ago
@ #15:

the claim "Die Caravan-Polsterer" looks perfect now. Very good readability.

I am still unsecure about the font of the "Maß-Schneider". Do you have a proposal to use the space with a different font better? I mean, the readability of that font is not that good, compared to the space it uses.

The patch with the motorhome brings in a little bit to much red. How about a really colorful patch?! Like a chart of colors (color palette).
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, are you sure that using several colors (palette) is a good idea? About the fonts, I tried to imply the retro look of RV's (mobo homes) glory times, but if proportions, and readability is important, I don't see any problem in change them. I draw a five rotated fabric samples (patches), and don't look too good with an RV truck on top, I usually don't use too many color gradients because it might look nice on web but not so well on print, especially on large formats, so I need your approval to go any further.
12 years ago
@ Color palette: it was just an idea. Since the interieur of a motorhome is quite colorful as well. In practise, customers ask for the strangest combinations of colors. you would be surprised. If you would make a logo for a paintshop, the colors would feel natural for you. Please show me a version and then let's decide.

@ Font: Readability is extremly important. The logo will be used for instance next to a road. One look should be enough to catch the words.
12 years ago
@ color palette: I love it! Can you please give me a palette, where the palette is not slanted? Maybe the motorhome is better to detect then. Just an idea.

@ claim: wrong writing. You have Cravan, but it is Caravan

@ font: still not completely satisfied. This one is cristal clear, but kind of boring.

@ colors: beside the color palette, which stands as a symbol, the company colors are red & black. You see them everywhere e.g. on the company cars. How about if you change "Maß" to red. I think this will be better.

But once again thank you for the logo. It is our favourite right now!

12 years ago
I am still wondering if I explain it right...
With the color-palette made out of clothes it is the best idea so far. But if you compare your entry #35 to entry #21 by your competitor, you have to admit that the motorhome is better to detect even from the distance. The same apllies to the font. in #15 the claim "Die Caravan Polsterer" was great to read. The best of all so far.
12 years ago

discussing alle the logos in the company, you are still one of the favourites! Can I ask you for one more entry?

Do you habe an email-Adress for me so taht I can send you a ppt-file with the idea?
12 years ago
Just for safety reasons (we are running out oftime):

- claim "die Caravan-Polsterer" from entry #47
- font-color "Maß" in red, "Schneider" in black
- motorhome: can yougo for a camper that is quite similar to the one in our existimg logo at "", but this time the camper should drive from left to right
- cloth-patch: can you please take the patch from # 14, put it on top of the writing and let the camper drive out of the patch.

With the new entry you definetly have a good chance to win, since our boss felt in love with your ideas

12 years ago
Logo Designer
I did one that you might like unfortunately, there is no way to show it. It can't be uploaded at the moment though the first 5 ranked are allowed to do so... hmm, I noticed a few bugs since day before yesterday also. I will try to solve it, meanwhile, I will contact the LT admin (Ivan F) and report this issue.

Thank You for understanding
12 years ago
Ok. I will rank you on 1st so thatyou canupload the file
12 years ago

sorry for answering late. Been travelling.

The Logo gets a bit high. On our website it will be a bit space-consuming. let the camper drive out of the patch.

Why did you go for a triangle-patch? the rectangle patch from #14/15 was fine.
the camper looks a bit dark. don't you think so? can you insert some windows or lighten it up?
"Die Caravan-Polsterer" was best at entry # 15

Let's try!!

Thank you a lot!!
the "-" between Maß and Schneider is a must.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I went by the website Logo Header ("slogan_bg.gif") rectangle size and proportion. Not sure about the RV (mobo home) though, most of them are outlined to describe details, in the other hand, a single shape will do the job also, so please let me know if you want any changes be done in this regard, I want to make sure that you are happy with the result.

12 years ago
All right!

If you put the camper lalf (not full) on the patch, you can win some space so that the writing can be enlarged again a little bit.

I liked the patch from #15 better, because it was bigger, more easy to understand an the direction of the patch is similar to the writing (leaning to the right)

Leave the camper like it is, so that we don't change to many things at a time.

12 years ago

Thank you for the quick entries!!

@ #65: I like the new shape of the camper a lot!! It is simple but still dynamic!!

Can you play a little bit with the positioning of the camper?? I think the camper should be in the foreground.

Maybe we really need to have it on top of the patches to save space (that will alow us to increase the font-size again).

Can you write me a note, when you are ready so that I can put you back on position 1?

12 years ago
I put you on 1st place so that you can upload. Final spurt ;-)

12 years ago
Logo Designer
All right, after struggling a half day to imply a breakthrough movement from patches, that's what I came up with. At this point, I don't see any other further improvement of the design overall. The idea with patches behind and a half mobo home (and the lettering inside a given rectangle) is about it.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Therefore if you consider is worth the time to take a look, you know what has to be done.

12 years ago
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