Thanks for your entry. Last night, 04.00 AM, I saw your entry (a silhouet of a filming woman if I am correct) gave it a first ranking... This morning I noticed that you've withdrawn your entry. Could you please reconsiderate your decision. And if so, could you give tis silhouet a more prominent colour?
Thanx for reconsidering you earlier withdrawal and for sending me your new entries!!! #78 has a real 'feminine' image and resembles - a part of the -reality. The camera appears old fashioned and this could give a non - professional impression. Could you experimentate with the colours. By the way: the name of my company is 'Media op Maat' and not 'Media op Map'.
# 96 Hi Dexign! Thanx again. The small not really professional camera is still my problem. It looks to small and old fashioned and that is not what we want to be with Media op Maat. Thanx again for all your efforts!!