This is my concept for your consideration, with a clock integrated within the number ''0'' of ''10'', the clock itself having a smile made of color blue.
- #77 is a variation of this with only "10" being a bit larger.
- #78 and #79 - color variation of a Tiffany Blue with same logo as here + ''10'' larger as previous.
Comment Activity
- #102, #103.
Is this the shade of color you see up on your monitor on the website?
We might see a slight difference in colors because not all monitors show the same color the same.
#92 - the brighter Tiffany blue color matched to attachment.
#93 - this is a simpler variation of the clock.
Is this the shade of color are you referring to?
I will be back within 15 minutes with the color changes.
This is my concept for your consideration, with a clock integrated within the number ''0'' of ''10'', the clock itself having a smile made of color blue.
- #77 is a variation of this with only "10" being a bit larger.
- #78 and #79 - color variation of a Tiffany Blue with same logo as here + ''10'' larger as previous.