dear CH, thx for your feedback. the object on the cornet of the house is represented the "mold", but i am agree with you. it's not really well on the printing for see that object. and i have upload the new design using "mold" on the "o". hope u like it. and please let me know if u want something changing about my design.
I like the concept of #11, but I'm concerned the "1-800-411" will get lost. Maybe try to incorporate the "411" into the bigger part of the logo, or even try stacking the 800 411 MOLD? I don't know. But this is coming along well.
dear CH, thx for your feedback. i have upload the new composition from the last design. hope u like it. just give me a feedback if u want something changing.
#16 looks good, but I don't understand the circle behind it. Maybe try a square, or nothing? Otherwise, I really like #13 #14 & #15 so far. Let's try to emphasize the "411" in #13 #14 & #15 (or just one of them to see what it would look like). Maybe different color, maybe size...