I've shown this to a few friends and everyone is saying to change the concept and that it needs more elegance, appear stylish and represent fashion and clothing, can you please come up with something new?
I've uploaded quite a few images to my brief to demonstrate backgrounds, images and colours that I like, I'm feeling now that maybe my logo should maybe be more targeting at women, I still want to attract men to my business however the female market is much greater in this fashion and styling industry. Looking forward to seeing more of your great designs.
I'd like the font too be a bit more feminine, as apprised to blocks, very chunky, can you change the font in the word Envy and can you also look at incorporating a model figure, Google 'fashion model sketch' images.
Google "colourful eye logo" and the first image top left of screen is what I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN MY LOGO - BRIGHT AND COLOURFUL
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