"wappwolf" is a WEB platform for APPlications developed and provided by the web 2.0 community and can be connected to a work-"f-l-o-w" (wolf) so everybody can use the Apps and the workflows. The developer decides to share it for free or a little fee like the iphone App store already shows this concept.
example: So could you consider loading a PDF-file to wappwolf where you find several APPs for converting, sending, printing, extracting, archiving, faxing, and so on. Each module is designed and developed by the web 2.0. community and can be used for designing the workflow on wappwolf.com. There will be a designer/developer community, a workflow&Apps user community, voting, ranking, tagging and innovation and experience forums.
wappwolf = web-application "f-l-o-w" = wapp + flow = wappwolf