YummyYummyCrepes.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / YummyYummyCrepes.com

YummyYummyCrepes.com has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 99 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Thank you for your submissions! We'd like to see a crepe just like in the attached to the contest jpg (same yellow color). Even creating the same or very similar picture would be fine for us.

We like the chocolate in your submissions!

Thanks again!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated!
Let me work on the suggested and will follow up.
11 years ago
#7 is great; can you also perhaps show maybe the layers of the crepe as it's being folded? Because right now it looks like a piece of pizza, meaning it looks flat. If we show that this is actually a circle folded in half and then in 3, then it might look more like a crepe rather than a piece of pizza :)
11 years ago
Could you also put more shine on the chocolate drops?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, working on it :)
11 years ago
Great, we like the folded version!

Can we also try a version with the chocolate coming out of the *top* of the crepe and dripping on the right side? So maybe the words could be made of chocolate then so that they will contrast the yellow crepe.

Thank you for your work!
11 years ago
#12 looks great! Can you make the yellow in the crepe a little more brighter yellow? Almost golden.

Great work!
11 years ago
Can you also get us a version of a vertical crepe? Meaning rotate #12 negative 90 degrees?
11 years ago
Could you also try a more readable font? The Ys looks like Gs to me and the .com looks like .eom :) Maybe the chocolate dripping from the letters would look interesting.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad you like the work, and sure I will be trying different fonts, just wanted to perfection the crape and chocolate itself :)
About the dripping from letters would be a nice touch but in my opinion not to all of the letters (maybe one or two of them) since it makes the reading more difficult, also it would take the attention from the crape in chocolate itself and overall the concept gets too complex which is not a good thing for a logo, it's best to keep it simple.
Not because I created the logo but when I look at it, it really makes me drool :)) which is a good thing. It got pretty tasty looking.
I'll work on the suggestions and will follow up.
Thank you once again for the feeldback!
11 years ago
Thanks Ivan, we agree with you.

On #18, could you work on the right-most chocolate drips?
11 years ago
Do you mind also adding some chocolate, maybe not much, to the crepe part which looks like a line at the top-most part of #18?
11 years ago
On #18, can you please give us 2 versions:

1) please make the crepe exactly vertical (so rotate about negative 15 degrees) and put the wording inside.
2) please keep the position of the crepe but put the wording inside.

Either way, let's add some more yellow/orange to the crepe. I see that you have improved from before, which is great!

Thank you Ivan!
11 years ago
Regarding the yellow, let's make the crepe golden-ish. This is how yellow we want it :) Should us a couple of versions please :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback!
I will work on the revisions and follow back up.
11 years ago
We want to color gold to be close to the 4 golden cups I see below your name - maybe it screams a little too loudly but let's try it.

Thanks Ivan!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Yellow is more like cheese color but I like the representation of it as your crepes are golden and number 1.
11 years ago
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