Vobal Technologies, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vobal Technologies, LLC

Vobal Technologies, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 248 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Very cool, Bluebox. I not only like the way the word is half covered by the waves, but I also like the way the V and the L are melding into the water. Very elegant.
The oversized O is nice, and I like the way it contains the radiating electronic waves.
Right now the O to me looks a little bit like a flower, though. That is probably my biggest issue with it right now. (#117)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Raraviv,

Thank you for your feedback, I don't think that it would look like flowers, but maybe as a server open to receive and send data to and from satellite. But... thank you very much for your comments. and this is a new entry, still with the same concept but does not look like a flower, I hope you like it. feedback will still be respected. Thank you.

Best Regards,

(This comment references Entry #129)
14 years ago
I like the O in #129 much more, thank you. Good change.
Can you go back to the green from the other one? This one is a little too yellow. Check out our website (www.go2callsoftware.com) for the logo colors we currently have. I'm hoping to keep our website the same except swapping out the names and the logo, so I'd prefer to stick with the colors we currently have.
Thanks Ayik!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Raraviv,

Thank you for your interest and this is a new entry, the revision of the green color of my entry in # 129.
Terima kasih.

(This comment references Entry #153)
14 years ago
I like #153 the best. I like that the letters are the same size, and I like that the white space between the V and the signal coming out of the O is not quite as big. I also am not a fan of the green space in #155.
Terima kasih back to you as well.
14 years ago
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