TorakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Torak

Torak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 436 designs from 53 different designers from around the world.
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Thank you for entering the contest. We like the abstract horn idea on top of Torak. Can you make sure to use a deeper red like #56 in your future entries.You have the Toro with the horns and you have good movement in the logo to represent Agile. It would be great to see a touch about the Cossack.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the comments. Here are few more samples with cossack/torro combination.
12 years ago
We have trouble with the T cut off, it looks too much like the soviet emblem. We really like the combination of horn and sword giving the entire logo the look of the head of a Toro. Thank you for submitting improvements to your original design.
12 years ago
We prefer the image on #163 but the letters on #165, because of the T.
12 years ago
We reviewed all entries and we really like the image on top of the name Torak in #215. We would love to see a different font.

You are one of the very few designer who respected the need to have both the toro/cossack and this is why we re-ranked your work very high.
12 years ago
We are back in the Top 5 and we are down to 5-7 designers. You are currently in the Top 5 and we hope that you submit improvements on the great concept you have on #215 and #165. We have provided you a lot of feedback and we hope it helps. Please make sure to consider a different/new font in your next entries.

You are one of the few who managed to truly include Toro + Cossack in the logo, and we will value this the most in selecting the winner.

Also if you are no longer going to send new entries just let us know now, because we are holding a Top 5 spot for you to submit new entries.

Looking forward to seeing more exciting entries from you :)

Thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the comments. Here are more variations of the logo.
Kind regards.
12 years ago
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