Todd M. Faber, Realtor, GRILogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Todd M. Faber, Realtor, GRI

Todd M. Faber, Realtor, GRI has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 250 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.
































































































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Logo Designer
Those are my entries and if you have comments you can post it here.
Thank you!

12 years ago
#23 is really good, but please note my color requirements. Blue and Red should only be used enough to tie into the NPDODGE main company logo. There is a file of that logo in the brief. Can you update this one to comply? Please and thanks!
12 years ago
FYI - #23 would be in number one position if it met the color requirements. We are not afraid of any colors that will coordinate or compliment the Red and Blue in the master logo (NP Dodge). Just be sure to pull the red and blue into the new logo so that it ties in with the master. Thanks again!
12 years ago
#10 - I like where this was going.. but the "M" looks like an "N" and the whole thing just is just kind of choppy. Love the landscape and love the roofline.. I wouldn't mind seeing some updated versions of this one that are a little cleaner looking and flow better.
12 years ago
# 66 & # 67 are getting me excited. Keep working on adding more color. Some yellow sun behind the skyline maybe? Also, I am in an are where I will market to both Farm families and Large City families. Can you somehow incorporate a somewhat rural feel sweeping into a city skyline? As long as it can be made to look clean and not too busy. Maybe a barn and windmill with a hint of a field in the background? Also, be careful not to make "rural" look cheesy. But this is definitely headed in a much better direction.

I think I like "Todd M. Faber" in black. maybe try "TMF" in blue? and then play with different colors for "Realtor, GRI.

Thanks for these wonderful submissions!!



12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Todd,

Good evening.
Glad to hear so much from you about the designs!
I'm sorry for the late reply. The time difference does affect us both, but I'll try my best to keep you posted the soonest possible time. Nevertheless, thank you so much for giving me instructions as to which logos you wish for me to improve and enhance. I really appreciate your honesty in comparing and contrasting the differences of the logos to your much preferred ones. I will be working on the logo designs which you have stated in your e-mails above and I will l also submit some more options for you to perhaps consider. Thank you for the rank.

Best Regards,
12 years ago
#78 - This one lost it's continuity, but I also think it's a step in the right direction at the same time. I feel the sun is much too big and much too gold. A deep yellow might be better and maybe have it just peeking through between the windmill and the cityscape. I think the cityscape needs to remain blue, kind of a corporate color. Feel free to change TMF to that gold color you used and carry that down to the line separating the text below my name? The rural part is a good start but needs to have some definition and clarity somehow. The little bit of yellow behind it will help, but right now I can barely tell what it is. Not crazy about the red in the "Realtor, GRI" I think that needs to remain grounded in a dark color or grey or black, probably black would ground it best. The line could change color if needed though. Just not red.

I hope my comments continue to help, I know it's a lot of changes, but I really think you are headed somewhere with this.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Todd,

Thank you for your e-mails regarding the improvements which you wish to see on your logo. It is good to hear that I have been able to at least present to you what you have pictured out in your mind. Nevertheless, I will be making adjustments with regards to your preferences about the design. Thank you for your valuable suggestions and hopefully, I will be able to submit the logos according to your instructions. Should there be any details you wish to add or other improvements perhaps after I have submitted the design, please do not hesitate to inform me so I can make the necessary adjustments right away.

12 years ago
#85 is looking really really good. I would say keep working on this one to improve balance, both in scale and color. I really like all of the colors, but something about them is still too stark... I cannot think right now what would bring some blending to it all.

So, keep improving on this one. I like it very much! I will be in a class all day, so I will look in about 8 hrs to see if there are any updates!

I appreciate everything you are doing!

12 years ago
#85 Also Ryan, I am concerned that the logo is a bit top heavy, i.e. to tall. I wonder if you could try something and I am going to try to explain this the best I can.

What if you tried taking the initials and spreading them apart, and then building the name after each initial. Maybe dropping the black "M" and just leaving the Gold. So basically, leave the gold "F" where is is and just bring up the black letters "aber" to meet up with it. Spread the gold "T" far enough out to bring up the black letters "odd" and then situate the gold "M" appropriately in-between leaving the black M off altogether.

If you have time to try that, I'd be interested in seeing how that looks! Again, I appreciate all you are doing!!


12 years ago
Just to clarify what I meant by "spread the gold "T"... I meant move it to the left. And also I forgot to mention but I am sure you would have figured out.. you would then move the tagline and the "Realtor, GRI" all up to meet the logo again like it does now.

I have talked with a number of people, and they all think this idea might just balance the whole thing much better. See what you can do, I have faith in what you have done thus far. Looking good!!


12 years ago
#83 Ryan: Move forward with everything I just sent you,... only do it to #83 instead. I like the rural scene in #83 much better. It's a bit cleaner and easier to determine. Sorry for any confusion. I've moved the other one down on the ranking list so that the one I want to work on is currently in the 1st place position.


12 years ago
Hello Ryan, #93.. No, I am afraid I did not convey my words to you correctly.

Let's go back to #83 and I will try to explain another way. Essentially what I am suggesting is getting rid of the name in black and blending it with the gold initials up above, and then pulling the gold line and the black "Realtor, GRI" up. Like this:

Todd ) ^^^^^^
M. )^^^^^

So to accomplish this.

1. Leave the gold initial "F" right where it is currently located, and then finish the last name in black. So you will have a gold "F" and then black "aber"

2. Move the gold "T" to the left far enough that you can finish the name with "odd" in black. So you will have a gold "T" and then black "odd"

3. Adjust the gold "M" so that it is again centered accurately in line just as it was and slightly touching the "F" just like you have it now.

4. After you have gotten rid of "Todd M. Faber" in black by moving all of the letters you can then bring the gold line up to meet the rest of the logo again. Otherwise there will be a gap left after you move the letters. So move this: ___________________ up to meet the rest of the logo.
Realtor, GRI

When you are done, it should look something like this:

Todd )) ^^^^^
M. )) ^^^^^
Realtor, GRI
12 years ago
Darn... the text moved on me. disregard the examples and just read the text. Let me try it this way...

...Todd )) ^^^^^^
............M. )) ^^^^^^
.......Realtor, GRI.....

There, hopefully this comes thru. disregard the dots. I had to add those to stop the text from moving.
12 years ago
YES! There you go. That should give you a visual of what I am asking you to do with the letters. disregard the symbols and dots in the example.. )) and ^^. I only used those to symbolize where the logo begins.

Did this help?


12 years ago
Logo Designer
yes sir! this is really help me a lot. thank you for that. i will try this version you presented. i'm working on it now.

Thank you for understanding regarding my design.


12 years ago
ok. Whew! LOL - Thank you! and you do not need to call me, Sir. That is my father's name. :)
I appreciate the courtesy though.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Todd,

This is my initials update of my designs entry#98 & #99. Sorry for calling you "sir". :)

12 years ago
#99 You did it Ryan!!! Ok.. so for the rest of the contest just keep developing this one to make it look even more AMAZING than it already does! :)

1. Keep working with color variations on the letters for the name. I love the gold initials, but try all black letters on one and some other variations as well.

2. The sun needs to be pulled down more and shaded so that it softens up and shines through the center of the windmill and maybe even a little ways over to the blue building, but not quite touching it. Essentially, it would be like you are seeing the light of the sun, but not the sun itself. Just a nice soft morning sunrise. (am I explaining this clearly?)

3. Let's pull the "Realtor, GRI" just a bit closer together. The spacing between the letters is maybe a bit too much.

Otherwise, like I said.. just keep working on this to make it clean, balanced and centered. I will be in touch tomorrow! Thanks again for all your hard work.


12 years ago
#103 is looking good. can we experiment with swapping some of the colors around...

1. Make the red swoop, BLUE

2. Make the gold house, RED

3. Make the city buildings Gold

4. The sun still needs to move further behind the windmill and then maybe shade a darker yellow around it to give it a glow. If you have an email address, I can send you a jpeg of an example for another logo that I own.

5. The "Realtor GRI" needs to expand about halfway between where it is now and where it was before. We shrunk it a bit too much, I think.

lets see what that looks like. I am going to have to go to bed now, so I will talk with you tomorrow, and send you that other logo if you would like me to.



12 years ago
#126 I love the sun in this one. Please use this version of Sun in all future submissions.

#118 I am moving this one to 1st place. I like the blue swoop followed by the green swoop since they represent water and land. Keep the red house permanent. Keep the three green trees permanent. Please use these in all future submissions.

1. add the sun from #126 to #118 and develop 118 with the following ideas. all thats left, after the requests above is to play with different color varieties on the: Initials TMF, The cityscape, windmill the line and the Realtor, GRI. We want to make them all complementary to each other. So focus on those five things and make them all work together in harmony.

Have a great day!



12 years ago
#132 This is looking really good, Ryan!

1. I think I like the line in Gold like you had it in 118, so let's change that back.

2. Let's play with the text for "Realtor, GRI" ... change it back to grey, but add some shading like you did with the cityscape. Then play with the scale and boldness to bring it into a nice proportion with the rest of the logo. The way it is on 118 is very very close to perfect, but it's just not quite there yet.

Hope you are having a great day. Thanks again for all your efforts!


12 years ago
Also... Did you lighten the color of the initials in 132? The initials in 118 look to be a deeper gold. Not sure, but I think I like the initials on 118 better. Maybe they just look different because of the other color changes, but they seem lighter yellow in 132 and more gold in 118.

So, let's move ahead with #132 making the changes mentioned at 12:43p.m. in the previous comment, and the clarification of the color for the initials in this comment.


12 years ago
#140 Ryan, you are really pulling this together very well. Just two things to continue developing...

1. See if you can make the line in the same color format as the initials. (black and gold) I think that might bring some grounding to the whole logo. If that doesn't work, try making it a bit thicker, or darker, or both.

2. The red house needs some work. It's getting lost and out of proportion to it's surroundings. Can you play with the size and shape to make it fit better. Also, play with the color and shading. It doesn't have to be completely red. You could use red just for definition or a door, or roofline similar to how it was used in the logo that I emailed to you. See what you can do!

Hope your day is going well.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Todd,

Good evening!
It's a wonderful morning here.Thank you for the complement. My latest update #141 #142 #143. Keep me posted for new revision.

Have a nice evening!

Best regards,
12 years ago
#141 Ryan, I LOVE the house! Love it in gold and black outline and I think this helps balance the color gold in the logo actually. I am not crazy about the red roof, and now the sun looks out of proportion... but you have improved this logo every time you've touched it, and I am very impressed. I've had some feedback that it has too much going on. If you have any concerns about that, I do hope you will express your opinion to me and guide me the direction you think it should go. So, here are my ideas moving forward....

1. Blend the roof to the same color as the rest of the house and then make the door red. See how that looks.

2. The sun needs to be much softer.. just a glow in the background. Similar to the logo I emailed you or maybe even softer than that one. I like the location it is in, so try to leave it in that general location. I like it because it looks like it is rising or setting behind the house and buildings.

Thanks Ryan. and please... if you ever disagree with any of my ideas... I do hope you will tell me and let em know why you think it's a bad idea. Thanks again! Talk soon.



3. see if you can then give the sun just a hint of red in with the yellow just like a setting sun sometimes has. Maybe this will give us the balance of red that we need. Just don't over use it. Just a hint of red in certain parts of the glow.. might be enough
12 years ago
disregard the red door.. just keep it black and see if you can utilize red in the sun as requested so that it looks like a sunset. Thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Todd,

I think much better the red roof than the red door.

12 years ago
#150 Ok, let work on this one. The house looks great, I think. I was worried the red door would be too much, but it's actually just the right amount.

1. Let's work on that sun now. It looks too much like the windmill with the pointed edges. The whole thing needs to be softened at the edges and maybe not so much white in the center, if any at all. And then still play with the idea of bringing just an ever so slight hint of red in it somewhere at the edges with some shading.

2. On the two lines.. can you make the black one just slightly darker?

This is really coming together, I think. You?
12 years ago
#151 I just saw your message timed at 10:54p.m. my time about liking the red roof better than the red door. I looked again, and I think I agree, so use that one for the following instead. Good call!

1. Let's work on that sun now. It looks too much like the windmill with the pointed edges. The whole thing needs to be softened at the edges and maybe not so much white in the center, if any at all. And then still play with the idea of bringing just an ever so slight hint of red in it somewhere at the edges with some shading.

2. On the two lines.. can you make the black one just slightly darker?
12 years ago
I don't know.. I like them both. Can you make the two changed I am asking for to both #150 and #151 and lets see which one comes together better. Is that fair?
12 years ago
#154 Sun is way too big, way too much yellow. Just take what was already there and soften the edges and the color with some shading. Not sure how to explain this one.
12 years ago
The sun you used in #153 was getting really close to what I am looking for....
12 years ago
#157 This is really really close Ryan! I think I want to try just one change on this one. Please keep everything else as it is now.

1. You know how you have the initial TMF with Gold on top and black on the bottom. What if you did the opposite for the remaining letters. so put some gold in the background of the black letters just barely enough to even see that it is there. What do you think?

or maybe another option is to leave the black letters as they are, but switch the colors around on the initials by putting the gold behind the letters instead of on top. I think that would be worth a try as well.

12 years ago
#162 This is looking much more balanced, blended and soft. I am going to just sit back and see what ideas you come up with now for improving this one. I'd still like to see an ever so slight touch of red in it somewhere, but, looking at this now.. We may have to adjust our thoughts about that.

The only other idea I can think of is to try a small red white and blue for sale sign that would look something like our master NP DODGE logo. Not sure if you'd be able to make it big enough to make out that it was a sign... but that's an idea.

I am done for tonight. I must get some sleep tonight. It's been a long week. Have a great rest of your day and I will check in the morning to see if you have thought of anything new!

Ryan, you are amazing! Thanks for all your hard work.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Todd,

Don't worry i have more time to play with this sun and hopefully i can hint the best one today!
Goodnight and thank you once again.

12 years ago
Awesome, Thank you!! I will look forward to waking up tomorrow. LOL
12 years ago
#181 Hi Ryan, Could I see this one in a landscape view? Logo to the left, text to the right. Please and thanks.
12 years ago
#181 Could you also drop the red roof and just make it the same as the rest of the house? I think the red in the circle might be enough. Let's see.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Hi Todd,

Good morning!
As you requested, #182 is in landscape view. I think the logo now looks neater than it has ever been, all elements are now better expressed clearly in the design. I really appreciate your consistency in communicating with me to achieve what you think looks best for your logo. I hope I have been meeting your expectations. Thank you so much for the rank.

12 years ago
#181 and #182 I absolutely love both of these. You were right about the red roof though. We need to add that back in. I kept looking at 182 and wondering why it didn't stand out as much as 181.. and then I noticed, no red roof. It seems to help balance the logo and makes it pop.

I think both versions could be used depending on the type of media you are putting it on. Sometimes you need a tall logo and sometimes you need a landscape version.

Ryan, just keep working on these two and #162. I have not given up on that one yet either. Though I do think the simpler designs above are probably the best. Would you agree?

Also, if you win the design contest.. are you willing to provide an APP version of the logo as well? I do plan to create an app for my webpage.


12 years ago
Also, did you shrink the logo a bit in the landscape version? Is there any way to keep it the same size as in the horizontal version? I think that is also why it did not pop as much. There are so many details in the logo that making it too small might take away from the affect. Thoughts? I know we don't want it too big either though, so I will trust your opinion.


12 years ago
Ryan: I will be going to bed soon, so I will be asleep when the "open" phase of the contest ends. Both #182 and #181 are in very strong positions. I know you are probably waiting to make any additional changes until after the contest moves to the next level... so, enjoy some free time and when we pick back up, keep thinking about any ways to continue improving both of these. Especially in regards to increasing the size of #182 to match the size of #181. I tried printing them out and 181 is fine, but 182 is really hard to recognize in it's current size.

I will be in touch tomorrow when you are a top 5 Winner! All of you are truly incredible designers, and I appreciate your work.


12 years ago
Logo Designer

Hi Todd,

Good evening.
I totally agree that we should keep the roof red as it is the eye catching element in the entire logo itself. I see your point when you say that you aren't able to view the details of the logo when it is a bit smaller, hence I've brought it back to it's original size in the updated horizontal version #187 of the logo design. With regards to your inquiry if you can have the design in other formats, yes, I can give you these through e-mailing them to you once the contest is over, but as per LT, they only require logo designers to submit it in .EPS and .JPEG format. Thanks for your continuous follow-up with regards to the design. It has increased my confidence to try better styles and concepts. Have a restful sleep!

12 years ago
#181 and #187 Hello Ryan! Congrats on making the top 5 with two entries!

I have no further recommendations for the picture portion of the logo. I will let you fine tune that as you see fit. I would like to continue developing both of these logos at the same time for the remainder of the contest, if you are ok with that.

1. Try working on the text and line portion of the logos to make it as crisp clean and easy to read as possible. Maybe the line could use just a little more boldness? Not sure. See what you can do.

2. In addition to 181 and 187, could I have you show me both of those logos without the middle initial "M." I'd like to see the difference that makes in the look of both logos.

Thanks Ryan! I think you are headed towards the finish line with this one. Keep up the great work and thanks again for being so willing and able to assist!


12 years ago
One last request in addition to those above, Ryan. We'd also like to see #181 and #187 just as they are, but without the circle around the picture and with the original swoop back in them like you had in #162. Please and thanks.


12 years ago
I kind of like the line like you had it in #188.
12 years ago
"Realtor, GRI" was a little darker in that.
12 years ago
disregard the request to give us a couple samples without the "M." We discovered that since my license has the initial, but advertising must also. Thought I'd save you some time. Thanks Ryan.


12 years ago
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