thank you for the hard work! really cool.
i like the images without the reflection.
to help be more clear, here are a couple links to EQ images with squares: this one above (i do not want animation, of course), you can see that there are green/yellow/orange/red squares. I would like those squares to be 2-3 shades of blue (dark-to-lighter) on black and white back grounds.
this is close to the idea: think the bottom row of EQ squares should be flat across as in the original #1 and not variable as in the updated images. in the cases where the "H" and "U" and "H" touch the EQ squares, then it is ok to break the horizontal line of bottom EQ squares...but otherwise, it should be a flat line at bottom of EQ squares. does that make sense?
I think we are close to being finished ! Please keep going!