The 180 GroupLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The 180 Group

The 180 Group has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 85 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.


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I really like these. On #7 is there anyway we could do thinner font? Id like to see that! Thanks for the great ideas!
10 years ago
I am liking #7 more and more. In addition to "thinning out" the font, is there a way to add Building Dynamic Teams underneath? Thanks again
10 years ago
#7 is still a front runner for me IF we can 1) make font thinner, 2) add more of the orange somewhere, maybe even in the word the, and 3) add building dynamic teams underneath it. I hope to see this revised! THANKS!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the great feedback. I will get that revised and uploaded for you to review. Thanks again!
10 years ago
I like the new ones too with maybe thinner font. As you can tell, I like thinner font...hahaha! Thanks for all the time you are taking on these great ideas! They are awesome!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks! ...and no problem on time and revisions. The thin lines can be classier. I was thinking bolder for sport or for team in that regard. I'll make sure you have enough of both to choose from. I will be posting some more this evening.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if #26 is a skinny enough typeface. It's still a sturdy font but a little thinner and more corporate. It has a nice blend of straight lines and rounded edges as well. I lined the '8' up with the 'o' on 'group' to give it some balance. I also laid the "Building Dynamic Teams" in between the G Arrow and the leg of the 'p' which also almost lines up with '180', and then the word 'the' sits nicely on the arrow top and 'r' so it all plays well together and looks structurally sound. I made the number '180' orange, and then topped the arrow shape in orange so the concept of the G being an arrow making a 180 turn is sort of visually pointed out by the colors matching on the two elements dealing with 180's. By blending that down from the orange to the teal color it allows the 'G' to be seen as a G even though doubling as an arrow and reads right into the rest of the word 'group'.
#27 is another concept where a letter turns to an arrow changing direction. I like the 'U' being the arrow on this one b/c it sort of helps box in the number '180' which centered over both "Group" and "Building Dynamic Teams". The arrow direction is also symbolic of moving upward, a positive vibe within the mark. it could mean "growth" or "expansion", could be almost not slowing down, shooting straight up as opposed to the angle on the G on the other design which is at about a 45 degree angle upward. It's one of the strong symbolic features in the FedEx logo, the hidden arrow in the negative space of the E and X that symbolizes moving forward or a forward thinking company. Let me know what additions or adjustments you might want to see on either of these and I'll get you some more variations to look at.
10 years ago
I love #26! I think it is a perfect blend of the colors and I think it also is clear in terms of reading the company name. I also like the direction of the arrow, almost taking a turn for the better. I do like # 27 bu I think I like the arrow in the 26 better and the font, etc.! Also the G is softer than a couple of the others that have boxier curve. That softness is still important to me although I know I want to keep that professionalism as well. I also still love entry #8 and #9! Some of the friend feedback I have gotten is that is looks a little like the 18 group. Anyway to accentuate the 0 in that 180? I will re-rank today! Great job!
10 years ago
Also #16 and #17 I like the idea on except I am not a big fan of the font?? I do LOVE the arrows direction change, and it also almost accentuates the words because it wraps around them.
10 years ago
I am going to like #16 but could you still work on the font change?? Thanks a bunch!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, no problem... Also on #26, is that still not thin enough on the font yet? Do you need to see some more variations of that one? Thanx!
10 years ago
I like #38, any way to make it look more like a G than a C in group? Thanks...almost to the end!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure! I can maybe increase the size of the arrow tip so the top edge of the it lines up more with the R, just not sure if it will center where the circle meets the little triangle. I'll make the adjustments and get it up there. Keep in mind the top 5 designers get an additional 2 days to design after the open phase so you can further your revisions if need be to the judging phase.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I added a few more variations of the logo you currently have in 1st place. Some different typefaces and thicknesses. Let me know if you want to see more during the judging phase, I can continue designing.
10 years ago
I love the one I have in first place right now. Any suggestions on improvements? Could this be on tees, hats, as well as any online and paper media (websites, business cards, etc.)? Let me know your thoughts.

What is your favorite?

Thanks for all you have done!

10 years ago
I have gotten some feedback about the G not looking round enough. Anyway to make sure that the G is still legible as a G with the same arrow affect and not changing anything else about the design?
10 years ago
Also anyway we could do Building Dynamic Teams a little darker? I do like it as it is bu my dad thought to ask a little darker.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I can totally make the changes you'd like to see but not while in 2nd place, the site only allows the 1st place designer during the judging phase to make any revisions or submit new designs. Anyone from 2nd place on can only wait.
Of the ones I designed that you have ranked, my favorite one is the same as the one you have as my top design (moved to 2nd place now). That 'G' just needs to maybe be less oval and more of a circular shape perhaps and if that's the only visual issue you have with it then it's very fixable. I like the balance in the logo in places most wouldn't notice, it's more subconscious, like the '8' lining up with the 'o' in Group, the edge of the 'D' in Dynamic lining up with the edge of the leg of the 'G', the smaller 'the' allowing more attention to be placed on the '180' and giving the oval in the G more room to move around it, etc...
These sort of placements are the things I think of when piecing the elements together. The oval shape on the G was just to give it more motion, like it's coming around and at you as much as it's moving upward. Maybe I can shrink the tip of it like I did in the very first design so that depth is emphasized more, and thickens up the bottom portion of the arrow/G so maybe the G will show up more as a G and not just an arrow swoop. I think it reads fine as "Group" but that is me looking at it knowing it says Group and it being deliberate. Just let me know if I can help on any of my designs, but I just can't from 2nd at this phase in the contest. Thanks!
10 years ago
Just moved you into first again to fiddle. I like it as is, but would like to see it maybe "fiddled" with just to compare! I think the oval vs the circular option will be great to compare side by side.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Cool, no problem, I'll do that now, Darkening up the slogan is not a problem, I kept it light since it's a secondary part of the logo and didn't want to make it so busy but with it being as small as it is I don't think darker hurts it any. Would you want to see other colors in the slogan, or just a darker grey?
10 years ago
I like 77-79 as well...77 is my favorite but I would love for the G to have the bleed from #78 in the G (color and thinness) and I liked the tag line NOT blocked, only the grey like #77. Also is there a way to minimize slightly the word THE, either in size or thinness of font?? You rock!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Also to answer your question from earlier that I missed answering, I think any of these work well on t-shirts and hats and especially in print since you'll be able to get the gradient to work well on the print pieces. I assume hats will be embroidered and shirts either embroidered (polo) or screen printed (t-shirt). They will probably even be able to do that gradient with embroidery with how they can mix the teal and orange thread in the middle.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I personally still like the oval ($63) that you have in 1st better than the more circular one (#77) in 2nd place, but I think they both work and it's your personal preference. If you want to see #63 fade to a sharp tip like it is receding more I can do that, rather than the blunt chopped end that lines up with the bottom of the G. I can also make it a little bit thicker than the other letters at the bottom so it has even more of that feel of swinging around toward the viewer.
10 years ago
The front five are my favorites of yours. I was wondering if #1 you could do a thinner G lead in but keep everything else the same! I will make final decision today! Yours is going to win
10 years ago
Logo Designer
you mean just shrink the G at the very top a little like i did on #77, #80, #81 and #82? make it recede or move away like to show movement?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Got one up there (#85)
Thanx for all the great feedback Kelly!!!
10 years ago
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