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#26 is a skinny enough typeface. It's still a sturdy font but a little thinner and more corporate. It has a nice blend of straight lines and rounded edges as well. I lined the '8' up with the 'o' on 'group' to give it some balance. I also laid the "Building Dynamic Teams" in between the G Arrow and the leg of the 'p' which also almost lines up with '180', and then the word 'the' sits nicely on the arrow top and 'r' so it all plays well together and looks structurally sound. I made the number '180' orange, and then topped the arrow shape in orange so the concept of the G being an arrow making a 180 turn is sort of visually pointed out by the colors matching on the two elements dealing with 180's. By blending that down from the orange to the teal color it allows the 'G' to be seen as a G even though doubling as an arrow and reads right into the rest of the word 'group'.
#27 is another concept where a letter turns to an arrow changing direction. I like the 'U' being the arrow on this one b/c it sort of helps box in the number '180' which centered over both "Group" and "Building Dynamic Teams". The arrow direction is also symbolic of moving upward, a positive vibe within the mark. it could mean "growth" or "expansion", could be almost not slowing down, shooting straight up as opposed to the angle on the G on the other design which is at about a 45 degree angle upward. It's one of the strong symbolic features in the FedEx logo, the hidden arrow in the negative space of the E and X that symbolizes moving forward or a forward thinking company. Let me know what additions or adjustments you might want to see on either of these and I'll get you some more variations to look at.